
母爱行为对子代心理及行为的影响:基于动物模型的结果与思考 被引量:1

Effects of maternal behavior on offspring's psychology and behavior: Based on animal studies
摘要 母爱行为是一种具有强烈动机和规律性的本能行为,主要表现为产仔的雌性对幼崽的一系列关爱和保护。母爱行为对子代心理和行为的影响逐渐受到越来越多研究者的关注,现有研究表明母爱行为不仅影响子代焦虑、抑郁、恐惧、冲动控制等情感及认知、学习能力,还与子代成年后心血管等疾病的发病率有关,并成为当今研究的重点。虽然关于母爱行为对后代心理和行为的影响及其机制目前已有较多的研究,但迄今为止并没有十分详尽具体的阐述。在这篇综述中,主要阐述了母爱行为对后代的心理和行为的影响,并且就当前研究的局限性进行总结。最后针对这些不足进一步对未来在该方面的研究工作提出一些相应的改善方法。 Maternal behavior is a kind of instinctive behavior with strong motivation and regularity, reflected in a series of care and protection for their pups. Previous studies have shown that maternal behavior does not only affect the emotions, the cognitive and learning abilities of offspring, but also relates to the incidence of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, the influence of maternal behavior on offspring's psychological functions and behavior has received more and more attention in recent years. A lot of researches have explored the influence of maternal behavior on offspring's psychological functions and behavior and tried to elucidate the mechanisms underlying it. While there is no review to discuss the issues above in details. In the present review, we deeply discussed the effects of maternal behavior on the psychological functions and behavior of offspring. Furthermore, we also tried to explainthe limitations of the previous studies. Lastly, in view of these deficiencies, we put forward some suggestions that might improve the future study work in this field.
作者 李钻 陈伟海 LI Zuan, CHEN Weihai(Key Laboratory of Cognition and Personality (SWU), Ministry of Education; Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期454-466,共13页 Advances in Psychological Science
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(SWU1709247)
关键词 母爱行为 心理发育 行为发展 maternal behavior psychological development behavior development
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