The rapid development of the electric power industry brings convenience to people's life,and it also conceals huge hidden dangers of security.For example,because the power cable is buried in the ground and is affected by the underground environment,it is easy to appear too high temperature during the operation of the cable.If it is not discovered and processed in time,the cable will easily generate overheating and breakdown,which will cause a fire.This requires the realtime monitoring of the temperature of the power cable,so as to find out the problems in time,solve the problems,and eliminate the hidden dangers of security.In this paper,apower cable temperature online monitoring system based on ZigBee technology was introduced.It can detect the overtemperature phenomenon of cables in time and eliminate the hidden danger of cable overheating to ensure the safe and reliable operation of cables.
WANG Rui-wen(Shandong Metallurgical Design Institute Co. , Ltd. , Jinan 250000, Chin)
Telecom Power Technology