

Analysis of the Spatio-temporal Characteristics of High Temperature Weather and the Atmospheric Circulation in Tongren City
摘要 利用MICAPS资料及逐日气温资料对贵州省铜仁市近30 a来的高温天气特征进行分析。结果表明:(1)近30 a来,铜仁市高温日共出现1 258 d,平均达41.9 d/a;8月出现的概率最大,达37.4%,其次是7月达34.6%;持续3 d的高温天气过程最多,达45次,高温最长持续日数达18 d;高温日数呈现线性下降趋势,且年际变化明显,但极端高温呈略微上升趋势,递增率为0.15℃/10 a;(2)近30 a沿河县是高温中心,达1 080 d,年均高温日数为36 d;铜仁市极端最高气温在39.3~41.6℃之间;(3)根据500 hPa环流形势可把204次高温天气过程归为3类:即偏南风型、大陆高压型和588线控制型,其中588线控制型占121次;中高层下沉气流偏强、西南季风偏强导致水汽辐合偏北是铜仁出现高温的直接原因。 Based on the MICAPS data and daily temperature data, the characteristics of high temperatureweatiier in Tongren City of Guizliou Province in the past 30 years were analyzed. The results show that : (1) In the past 30 years,the high temperature in Tongren City appeared for 1258 days,with an average of 41. 9d / a. The probability of occurrence was 34. 6 % and 37.4 % in July and August respectively. The last tiiree days of high tem-perature weatiier process up to 45 times,the longest duration of up to 18d; the number of high temperature days showed a linear downward trend,and the interannual change was obvious,but the extreme high temperature showed an upward trend,the increment rate was 0. 15 F /10 a; (2 ) Yanhe country is the high te30 years, up to 1080d, the average annual temperature of 36d; the highest maximum temperature between 39. 3 -41.6 in Tongren City; (3) According to the difference in the middle level of 500 hPa circulation can be 204 times the high temperature weatiier process situation classified into three categories : that is South wind type, continentalhigh pressure type and 588 line control type, among them,588 lines control type 121 times, western pacific sub-tropical high and the southwest monsoon are strong, leading to the convergence of water vahigh temperature Tongren.
作者 李小兰 陈军 邓岑 滕林 喻义军 LI Xiaolan1, CHENJun2, DENGCen1, TENGLin3, YUYijun4(1. Yuping Meteorological Bureau of Guizliou Province,Yuping 554000,China;2. Tongren Meteorological Bureau of Guizliou Province,Tongren 554300, China;3. Jianhe Meteorological Bureau of Guizliou Jianhe 556400, China;4 . Yinjiang Meteorological Bureau of Guizliou Province,Yinjiang 555200, Chin)
出处 《中低纬山地气象》 2018年第1期29-33,共5页 Mid-low Latitude Mountain Meteorology
基金 铜气科合[2016]12号:近30年来铜仁夏季极端高温事件时空分析 铜气科合[2016]08号:玉屏县农业气候资源时空变化特征分析 铜气科合QN[2016]07号:对流温度Tg在铜仁夏季局地热对流降水预报中的应用
关键词 高温 大气环流 下沉气流 水汽输送 high temperature atmospheric circulation sinking airflow water vapor transport
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