探讨了再认条件下元监测判断的影响因素。以中文双字词对作为实验材料 ,安排在不同预先呈现时间、有无进行有意识记 ,以及不同识记遍数等条件下进行元监测判断。用计算机随机呈现项目 ,再认之前先让被试做元监测判断 ,判断是否是记过的项目的把握程度 ,再对有意识记过的项目做迫选再认 ,作为标准测验 ,以验证元监测判断的准确性。结果是预先呈现时间长、有意识记过的和识记遍数多的项目 ,对其再认的反应时较短 ,相应的元监测判断等级也较高 ;对只看而未有意记过的项目的判断是呈现时间长的判断等级反而低于呈现时间短的。此结果表明 ,再认条件下 。
This experiment investigated the factors influencing the monitoring judgment of metamemory under recognition condition. Subjects were 18 undergraduates (9 women, 9 men). Chinese word pairs were used as experimental materials. It was a 2×3 within subjects factorial design. The first factor was presentation time (500 ms and 1000 ms); the second factor was the number of study trials (0, 1 and 2). The experiment included four phases: (1) Pre memorization phase: presenting 80 words on a computer screen randomly for different presentation time (40 words by 500ms, 40 words by 1000ms. Subjects were not instructed to memorize them. (2) Memorizing phase. (3) Monitoring judgment of metamemory phase: subjects were instructed to rank monitoring judgment on the rating scale (0~100) to predict that how likely that they were able to recognize a word that they had or had not memorized. (4) A criterion test (forced choice recognition test with four items). Results (ratio of correct responses and response time) of the test were recorded by computer. The results showed that the ratings of monitoring judgment of metamemory under the condition of longer presentation time were higher than the ratings under the condition of shorter presentation time. The ratings under the condition of more study trials were higher than those under the condition of fewer study trials. The ratings under condition in which there was instruction to memorize were higher than those under the condition in which no such instruction was given. It was shown that the ratings of monitoring judgment of metamemory were correlated with the strength of the memory trace (or strength of activation of items) in recognition memory.
Acta Psychologica Sinica
recognition, monitoring judgment of metamemory, activating strength.