To the Editor: Semicircular canal (SCC) malformation (dystrophy, coloboma, or enlargement) is a kind of inner ear anomaly. It is usually found in congenital syndromes along with the malformation(s) of other structure(s) of any of the parts of the ear including the inner ear. Isolated one SCC malformation is extremely rare and might thereby be easily missed. The present study reports a case of the left lateral SCC (LSCC) aplasia.
To the Editor: Semicircular canal (SCC) malformation (dystrophy, coloboma, or enlargement) is a kind of inner ear anomaly. It is usually found in congenital syndromes along with the malformation(s) of other structure(s) of any of the parts of the ear including the inner ear. Isolated one SCC malformation is extremely rare and might thereby be easily missed. The present study reports a case of the left lateral SCC (LSCC) aplasia.