
河南自贸区信息协同平台建设研究 被引量:2

Study on the Construction of Information Synergy Platform in China(He'nan)Pilot Free Trade Zone
摘要 在信息生态环境下,信息资源日益成为一种战略性资源。本文在中国(河南)自由贸易试验区建设背景下,运用信息协同视角分析影响自贸区发展的因素,并最终得出信息协同平台之于河南自贸区在资源配置、信息增值、信息共享等方面的有益影响。最后以河南自贸区如何建设信息协同平台为总结,提出了同构管理信息系统、智能云平台建设、新型数据管理技术应用等相关建议,以期服务河南省经济发展和中部崛起战略。 Under the environment of information economy, the information resources have been a strategic resource. Based on the background of the construction of China (He' nan) Pilot Free Trade Zone(pilot FTZ), this paper analyzes the factors influencing the development of pilot FTZ from the perspective of information synergy, and finally draws the beneficial influence of the information synergy platform on Henan in resource allocation, infor- mation proliferation and information sharing. Finally, how to build the information synergy platform for the summa- ry, some suggestions were provided, such as using a management information system with the same structure, building intelligent cloud platform and applying new technology of data management, etc.so as to serve the economic development of Henan and tthe strategy of "prosperous central china".
作者 常金玲 任照博 CHANG Jinling1,2, REN Zhaobo1(1.School of Information Science of Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics, Zhengzhou, Henan, 450000 ,2.Collaborative Innovation Center for Aviation Economy Development of Henan province Zhengzhou, Henan, 45000)
出处 《评价与管理》 2017年第3期21-24,30,共5页 Evaluation & Management
关键词 河南自贸区 信息协同 协同平台 信息系统 China (He'nan) Pilot Free Trade Zone Information Synergy Synergy Platform Information System
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