Based on the statistical data of China between 2006 and 2015, statistical calculations of tax capaci- ty of value added tax are done by representative tax system. The statistical results show that. (1)The growth rate of tax capacity and tax effort slowed down significantly after the Change from Business Tax to Value-Added Tax. (2) The degree of tax effort in different industries is highest in the Wholesale and retail trade, the industry is the second, and the transportation industry is the lowest. (3) The tax capacity is highest in the east, the middle is the second, and the west is the lowest. As for tax effort, which is high- est in the east, the west is the second, and the middle is the lowest. Either tax capacity or tax effort exists significant differences between East ,middle and west. (4) The degree of tax capacity of different indus- tries is highest in the east, the middle is the second, and the west is the lowest. And the tax capacity ex- ists significant differences between different regions and industries. (5) The Change from Business Tax to Value-Added Tax in 2012 exists the effect of increasing tax capacity of value added tax, but it has great un- certainty.
L IU J in-shan , LUO Qian(School of Economics, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632,Chin)
Journal of Xi’an University of Finance & Economics
the Change from Business Tax to Value-Added Tax
value added tax
tax capacitw tax effort