

Effect of Lactic Acid Bacteria-probiotics on Growth Performance, Immune Function of Broilers
摘要 选用1日龄的AA肉鸡6000羽,随机分为2个组,每组3个重复,每个重复1000羽,对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组在基础日粮中添加Q600-200产品150g/t。试验结果表明,在肉鸡日粮中添加乳酸菌类微生态制剂。与对照组相比,乳酸菌类微生态制剂组平均日增重显著提高4.95%(P〈0.05),平均日采食量提高1.82%(P〉0.05),料肉比显著降低0.05(P〈0.05),成活率显著提高3.53%(P〈0.05);乳酸菌类微生态制剂组能够显著提高肉鸡胸腺指数和法氏囊指数(P〈0.05):乳酸菌类微生态制剂组显著提高血清中T-SOD和T—AOC活性.显著降低血清中MDA含量。 Six thousand 1-day-old AA broilers were randomly allocated to control group and Lactic acid bacteria-probiotics group. Each group had 3 replicates and 1000 broilers in each rep- licate.The control group was fed basal diet, and the trial group was added 150g Lactic acid bacteri- a-probiotics per tons on basic ration. The results were as follows: Compared with the control group,the Lactic acid bacteria-probiotics increased feed intake by 1.82% (P〈0.05) , significantly increased average daily gain by 4.95% ( P〈0.05), significantly decreased feed/gain by 0.05 ( P 〈0.05), significantly increased rate of survival 3.53% (P〈0.05).The indexes of thymus and bursa of fabricius in Lactic acid bacteria-probiotics group were significantly higher than that in control group(P〈0.05).Activities of T-SOD and T-AOC in the serum were significantly higher in Lactic acid bacteria-probiotics group than that in control group( P〈0.05 ).Lactic acid bacteria- probiotics group had significantly a lower serum MDA content(P〈0.05).
作者 刘爱君 尹望 李雪平 Liu Aijun ,Yin Wang, Li Xueping(Heswof Biotechnology Co., LTD Beijing 10004)
出处 《中国饲料添加剂》 2018年第3期36-38,共3页 China Feed Additive
关键词 乳酸菌类微生态制剂 肉鸡 生产性能 免疫功能 Lactic Acid Bacteria-probiotics Broiler Growth Performance Immune Function
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