

Review on the Researches on Work Attitudes of Dispatched Workers
摘要 劳动派遣是近年来非常流行的用工方式。对派遣员工的大量研究都集中在工作满意度、组织承诺、组织认同、工作投入、组织公民行为和离职意向等方面。而这些方面均反映的是派遣员工的工作态度问题。本文通过对近二十年来关于派遣员工的工作满意度、组织承诺和组织认同研究进行分析述评,对目前研究的局限和未来的发展趋势进行分析探讨。 Dispatched work is a popular way of employment in recent years.Researches about dispatched workers were mainly around their job satisfaction,organizational commitment,organizational identity,job involvement,organizational citizenship behavior and job turnover.All of the above reflected dispatched workers' attitude toward work.The present paper reviewed the resent 20 year's researches about the researches on dispatched workers' job satisfaction,organizational commitment and organizational identity,analyzed the limitations of the researches and discussed the future research tendencies.
出处 《科学与管理》 2009年第5X期44-47,共4页 Science and Management
关键词 派遣员工 工作态度 工作满意 组织承诺 组织认同 dispatched worker,work attitude,job satisfaction,organizational commitment,identity
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