
2015年中国15省(自治区、直辖市)18~59岁居民液体饮料摄入状况 被引量:10

Intake of liquid beverage among Chinese adults aged 18-59 years old in 15 provinces,2015
摘要 目的了解我国15省(自治区、直辖市)成年居民液体饮料消费现状,探讨可能的影响因素。方法研究资料来源于2015年"中国居民营养状况变迁的队列研究"数据,在中国选择15个省(自治区、直辖市)的18~59岁成年居民作为研究对象,采用连续3天24小时回顾和食物消费频率法收集消费数据,应用卡方检验分析不同性别、年龄、学历、城乡、收入、地域的液体饮料消费率,应用非参数检验分析液体饮料摄入量水平,应用Logistic回归模型对液体饮料消费的影响因素进行多因素分析。结果 3天24小时回顾法结果显示2015年15省(自治区、直辖市)10 240名成年居民液体饮料消费率为2.8%,摄入量第99百分位数(P99)为93.3 g/d;消费率和摄入量均随学历、收入增加逐渐增高,城市高于农村,东部高于中西部。Logistic分析结果显示,学历、城乡、地域分布是成年居民是否消费液体饮料的影响因素。消费人群的液体饮料P50摄入量为70.0 g/d,其中18~44岁青年组高于45~59岁中年组;初中学历最高;农村高于城市;中部高于西部、东部。食物频率调查法显示25.8%的成年居民表示2015年消费过液体饮料。其中,果汁及果汁饮料、碳酸饮料分别占消费人群消费频次的37.5%、21.9%。结论液体饮料的消费状况主要受到学历、城乡、收入、地域的影响。其中,高学历、高收入、发达地区(城市、东部地区)对液体饮料的消费可能性越大、平均消费量越高。相反高学历、发达地区(城市、东部地区)消费人群的液体饮料平均摄入量却最低。应加强对中低学历、不发达区域成年居民对于液体饮料特别是含糖液体饮料的科普宣教,引导居民合理消费。 Objective To understand the current status of liquid beverage consumption of adult residents in 15 provinces and cities in China, and discuss relevant factors that may affect the consumption of liquid beverage of adult residents, and provide data support to guide the rational consumption of liquid beverage. Methods Using data from China Nutritional Transition Cohort Survey in 2015 on the subjects aged 18 to 59years old in 15 provinces and cities in China with complete 2d-hour-dietary for 3 days and food consumption frequency method, chi-square was used to analyze liquid beverage consumption rate, nonparametric test was used to analyze beverage consumption intake levels of different gender, age, education degree, urban and rural areas, income, region. The factors affecting the consumption of liquid beverage were analyzed by Logistic regression model. Results The result of complete 24-hour-dietary for 3 days showed that the consumption rate of liquid beverage was 2.8% and the 99th consumption of liquid beverage was 93.3 g/d for adult residents in 15 provinces and cities in 2015. The consumption rate and P99 intake of liquid beverage increased gradually with the increase of educational degree and income; the city was higher than the rural areas; the eastern was higher than the central and west region. Logistic analysis showed that the distribution of education, urban and rural areas and region were the influencing factors of whether adult residents drank liquid beverage. The 50th consumption of liquid beverage in the consumer group was 70.0 g/d. Among them, 18 - 44 years old youth group was higher than 45 -59 years old middle age group; junior middle school education was highest lowest; the rural was higher than the city; the central was higher than west and east region. The result of food consumption frequency showed that 25.8% of adults were reported consumed liquid beverage in 2015. The main types of beverages were fruit juice and fruit juice beverages, carbonated drinks, accounting for 37.5% and 21.9% of the consumption frequency of the consumption population, respectively. Conclusion The consumption condition of liquid beverage was influenced by education degree, urban and rural areas, income and region mainly. Among them, high educated, high-income, developed regions (urban and eastern) were more likely to consume liquid beverages and consumed the more average consumption of liquid beverage. On the contrary, the average consumption of liquid beverage in the consumer group among the highly educated and developed regions (urban and Eastern) were the lowest. We should strengthen health education for adult residents in middle or low educational backgrounds and underdeveloped areas to guide residents to consume liquid beverage especially sugary beverages rationally.
作者 汪云 贾小芳 杜文雯 黄绯绯 张伋 姜红如 苏畅 张继国 李丽 欧阳一非 王志宏 张兵 王惠君 Wang Yun, Jia Xiaofang, Du Wenwen, Huang Feifei, Zhang Ji, Jiang Hongru, Su Chang, Zhang Jiguo, Li Li, Ouyang Yifei, Wang Zhihong, Zhang Bing, Wang Huijun(National Institute for Nutrition and Health, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050,Chin)
出处 《卫生研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期178-182,共5页 Journal of Hygiene Research
基金 国家财政项目[中国居民营养状况变迁的队列研究(No.13103110700015005)]
关键词 液体饮料 成年人 膳食摄入 liquid beverage, adults, dietary intake
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