
跨文化符号学:新传媒时代文学文化研究的新方法与新领域 被引量:5

Cross-Cultural Semiotics:A New Territory and Methodology for Literary Studies and Cultural Studies in the New-Media Age
摘要 跨文化符号学以跨学科与跨文化的理性认知结构为基础,从文化符号的表意与传播之维探寻新传媒时代新型文学的意义生成与传播机制,以此确立了跨文化符号学研究文化符号跨文化传播与接受的理论体系。跨文化符号学从推演逻辑和本体哲学的理论视阈出发考察文化符号在跨文化语境中的表意与传达规律,为比较文学重新审视国别文学与世界文学的可比性与跨越性问题提供了新视角。同时,作为方法论的符号学研究承载的逻辑思维和科学思维亦有利于纠正比较文学研究中的泛文化化问题和随意比附问题,因此应当成为文学文化研究持续推进的新方法与新研究领域。 Cross-cultural semiotics, based on an interdisciplinary and cross- cultural rational cognitive structure, explores the mechanism by which literary meaning is generated and disseminated in the New-Media Age from the perspective of the representation and communication of cultural symbols, thus establishing a theoretical system for the study of how the meanings of symbols are accepted and rejected, interpreted and misinterpreted. Cross-cultural semiotics starts from the perspective of deductive logic and ontology and aims to explore the critical reception of cultural symbols in an alien culture. It offers a new approach to re-examining the comparability and transcendence of comparative literature. In addition, the logical and scientific thinking of semiotic studies is helpful fbr solving the problems of pan-cultural inclination and random adjacency practices in comparative literature studies. Therefore, cross-cultural semiotics should become a new method and a new research field tbr literary studies and cultural studies
作者 李泉 Li Quan
出处 《符号与传媒》 CSSCI 2018年第1期214-226,共13页 Signs & Media
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“中国武侠小说在英语世界的翻译与接受研究”(17CZW058)的研究成果之一
关键词 跨文化符号学 新传媒时代 跨学科 文学传播 Cross-cultural semiotics, new-media age, interdisciplinary,literary communication
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  • 1George Lakoff and Mark Johnsen, Metaphors we live by. London: The University of Chicago Press,2003, P201, P197.
  • 2Hans - Georg Gadamer, Truth and Method( Second, Revised Edition) ,Joel Weinsheimer and Donald G. Marshall( trans. ;rev. ) , London and New York : Continuum,2004, P386, P387, P381 ,P336.
  • 3Douglas Robinson, Who Translates? -Translator Subjectivities Be- yond Reason. New York:State University of New York,2001 ,P3.
  • 4Douglas Robinson, The translator's turn, London:The John Hop- kins University Press Ltd. , 1991 ,P103.
  • 5George Lakoff & Mark Johnson,Philosophy in the Flesh: The Em- bodied Mind and Its Challenge to Western Thought. New York: Basic Books, 1999,44.
  • 6George Steiner, After Babel:Aspects of Language and Translation. Oxford University Press, 1998,P67.
  • 7Paul Ricoeur, On Translation, Eileen Brennan( trans. ). London and New York : Roufledge ,2006, P4.
  • 8Walter Benjamin. The task of the translator. Eng. Trans. Harry Zohn. New York : Schocken Books, 1969, P76.
  • 9冯文坤:《翻译与秣译之存在》,四川人民出版社2005年版,第248页.
  • 10冯文坤.翻译:一种中介性的存在[J].外国语文,2009,25(6):41-46. 被引量:2












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