
农民工市民化公共投入究竟有多大?——基于城市行政等级和辖区差异的测算 被引量:4

How Much Are Public Input in Citizenization Of Migrant Workers?——The Estimate Based On Urban Administrative Rank And Jurisdiction Difference
摘要 本文基于城市行政等级和辖区差异的视角,利用46个大中城市的数据,测算了农民工市民化公共投入,主要研究发现有:(1)城市行政等级越高,农民工市民化公共投入越大,从一般地级市到直辖市,辖区内农民工市民化公共投入从0.67万元上升至1.4万元,跨辖区农民工市民化公共投入从0.92万元上升至2.15万元;(2)辖区农民工市民化平均公共投入为0.94万元,中部地区和东北地区附属城市辖区农民工市民化公共投入高于东部地区城市;(3)跨辖区农民工市民化平均公共投入为1.45万元,在东部地区附属城市最高,在西部地区最低;(4)跨辖区农民工市民化公共投入高于本地农民工,两者之间的差距在直辖市等级最大,在省会城市层级(副省级省会城市除外)最低。因此,只有弱化城市公共投入的行政集聚效应,创新农民工市民化公共投入的融资体系,才能提高地方政府推进农民工市民化的动力。 With the policy of promoting the citizenization of migrant workers,the debate about public input in the citizenization of migrant workers has attracted the attention of all parties. From the perspective of the urban administrative rank and jurisdiction difference, this paper calculates the public input of migrant workers' citizenization by using the data of 46 big and middle cities. All findings are:(1) the higher the rank of urban administration, the public input of citizenization of migrant workers is larger, from the general prefecture level cities to the municipalities directly under the central government, the public input in jurisdictions increases from 67 thousand to 140 thousand, and in cross-jurisdictions from 92 thousand to 215 thousand; (2) the public input of citizenization of migrant workers in jurisdictions is 94 thousand, which in the central and northeast regions is higher than the eastern region;(3) the public input of citizenization of migrant workers in cross-jurisdictions is 145 thousand, the highest in the eastern cities and the lowest in the western region;(4) the public input in cross-jurisdictions is higher than that of local migrant workers, the gap between the two being the largest in the municipalities, and the lowest in the provincial capital cities (with the exception of deputy provincial capital cities).Therefore, weakening the administrative agglomeration effect of urban public input and innovating the financing system of its can improve the drive of local government to promote the citizenization of migrant workers.
作者 张俊 肖传友 Zhang Jun1, Xiao Chuanyou2
出处 《财经科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期107-118,共12页 Finance & Economics
基金 财政激励、预期与农民工市民化矫正机制研究(11BJL039) 国家社科基金重点项目:五大发展理念下脱贫攻坚长效机制研究(17AJY018)
关键词 农民工市民化 城市行政等级 辖区 公共投入 Citizenization of Migrant Workers Urban Administrative Rank Jurisdiction Public Input
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