
《皇宋中兴圣德颂》碑文献疑 被引量:1

A Query on the Epigraph of Paneg yric on the Imperial Virtue in Song Reviving
摘要 本文大致分为两部分:第一部分为《皇宋中兴圣德颂》简介与碑文见疑及分析。此碑是国内仅有的一处与颂南宋"中兴"有关的宋代原刻摩崖。由于它处于瞿塘峡绝壁之上,不得迫近,世上亦鲜有拓片流传,三峡大坝承建之初,将其搬迁至中国三峡博物馆,遂得以示之众人。它对中国书法史、金石学、宋代文学及人物研究均有重要价值。三峡博物馆胡昌建先生曾对此碑做过研究,但经仔细比对,现有几处存疑,结合《奉节县志》及文意,对胡先生所附碑文提出疑义并予以阐释。第二部分为碑文书法艺术分析,通过对比以让学界认识其在书法史上的重要地位。此摩崖书法融汇颜真卿之伟岸博大,苏轼之清雄,晋书之逸韵,北碑之遒健,褚遂良之灵动,欧阳询之峭拔,是宋代罕有的碑刻珍品,有着很高的艺术地位。在刻帖风行、碑刻罕有的宋代,此碑文以其丰富的艺术表现力,在宋代书法史上占有一席之地,作为宋代楷书中的上品,相信必将引起世人更多的关注。 This paper mainly contains two sections. The first one is about the brief introduction to the Panegyric on the Imperial Virtue in Song Reviving and the query and analysis to the epigraph. It is a unique original Song cliff inscription related to the reviving in the Southern Song dynasty. Since it is hard to be approached on the precipice of Qutang Gorge, there are few rubbings handed down. At the beginning of the construction of Three Gorges Dam, it was relocated to ChongQing China Three Gorges Museum and became open to the public. This tablet is significant to the research on Chinese calligraphy history, epigraphy, literature and personage in the Song dynasty and so on. Hu Changjian of Three Gorges Museum had done a study on this tablet. According to "Fengjie County Annals" and the meaning of the inscription, the current author queries the inscription transcribed by Mr. Hu and makes a new interpretation after a careful comparison. In the second section, the current author makes an analysis on the calligraphy of the inscription and points out its significance in the calligraphy history to the academic circle. This cliff inscription reflects various calligraphy styles such as Yah Zhenqing's grandness, Su Shi's magnificence, the charm of Jin calligraphy, vigour of the Northern dynasties inscriptions, Chu Suiliang's ethereality, Ouyang Xun's vitality. Therefore, it is a rare Song inscription of high artistic value. Although the calligraphy copybook is popular and the inscriptions are few in the Song dynasty, the Panegyric is still worth of a place in Song calligraphy history for its diverse artistic expressions. It should draw more attention as the outstanding regular script artwork of the Song dynasty.
作者 崔永升
出处 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期89-96,共8页 Journal of National Museum of China
关键词 皇宋中兴圣德颂 赵公硕 夔门摩崖 书法艺术 Panegyric on the Imperial Virtue in Song Reviving Zhao Gongshuo Kuimen cliff calligraphy
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