
捐赠诈骗的刑事可罚性研究——以对“目的失败理论”的批判为中心 被引量:23

On the Criminal Punishability of Fraud by Donation:A Critical Analysis on the Theory of Failure of Purpose
摘要 捐赠诈骗、乞讨诈骗等特殊类型的行为应否纳入诈骗罪的可罚性范围,教义学上存在较大分歧,尤其是应否要求被害人因为被骗而没有认识到财产处分行为将产生财产损失的效果,主要存在无意识的自我损害必要说和无意识的自我损害不要说两种立场。目的失败理论在无意识自我损害必要说前提下,将社会目的无意识的失败与有意识的自我损害相联系,形成补偿模式的主观化思路和功能模式的规范化思路。从学术史考察,目的失败理论只适用于没有经济补偿的单方给付行为,对于双方交易和混合交易应通过损失概念和损失计算加以认定,对于目的落空的案件先要确定是否存在损失,进而才考虑对损失的意识。目的失败理论违反合宪性解释的要求,尤其是违反了消融禁止原则和明确性原则;在财产损失的计算依据上考虑社会因素与经济损失概念不协调;被害人意识内容应仅限于经济上的损失,而具有决定性目的的确定标准模糊,客观目的论也无法解决其固有缺陷。应当放弃目的落空理论,财产损失的意识和目的失败不应影响诈骗罪财产损失的认定。我国司法实务中对捐赠诈骗不加区分地以诈骗罪处罚,存在刑事政策上的错误引导和司法解释的理解偏差,应当寻求其他的可罚性路径。 There are many different opinions in the dogmatics about whether special types of behaviorsof fraud by donation or begging should be punished as a crime of fraud. Especially, as regard to whether itis required that the victim must be concealed from the effect of property loss caused by his property dispos-al, there are two positions, namely necessity and unnecessity of self-damage without consciousness. Thetheory of failure of purpose, on basis of the theory of necessity of self-damage without consciousness, con-neets the unconscious failure of social purpose and the self-damage with consciousness to form a subjectiveway of thinking of compensatory mode and a normative way of thinking of functional mode. From the per-speetive of academic history, the theory of failure of purpose is only applicable to one-sided payment dealwithout economic compensation. The case of mutual and mixed deal is usually determined by the concept ofloss and the calculation of loss. In the case of failure of purpose, the existence of the damage should be de-termined at first, and then the awareness of loss. But the theory of failure of purpose doesn' t conform to theconstitutional interpretation, especially it ablates the principle of prohibition and the principle of definite-ness. The consideration of social factors in calculating the property loss doesn't coordinate with the conceptof economic loss and the content of the victim's consciousness shall be limited to economic loss, while thecriterion of determining decisive purpose is vague, so that the theory of objective purpose can' t solve its in-herent defect. Therefore, the theory of failure of purpose should be abandoned and the consciousness" ofproperty loss and the failure of purpose should not influence the determination of property loss in a crime offraud. In the judicial practice in China, frauds by donation are indiscriminately punished as crime of fraud,which is a result of false instruction of criminal policies and misunderstanding of judicial interpretation, soit' s necessary to seek other approaches for punishment.
作者 陈毅坚 Chen Yijian
机构地区 中山大学法学院
出处 《政治与法律》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期49-66,共18页 Political Science and Law
基金 国家社科基金一般项目"互联网视角下的持有型犯罪研究"(项目编号:17BFX070)的阶段性成果
关键词 捐赠诈骗 目的失败理论 无意识的自我损害 财产损失 自我答责 Fraud by Donation, the Theory of Failure of Purpose, Self-damage without Consciousness,Property Loss, Self-Responsibility
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