对形体不规则的物体 ,数值计算其结构噪声问题是获得解答的直接办法 .文中综述了结构噪声问题数值解法的基本思路 .首先介绍了数值求解的两个基本方法 :有限元法和边界元法的基本数学原理、操作方法及各自的局限性 ;其后描述了结构噪声耦合问题的数值计算公式的构造及运用不同数值方法构造求解公式的特点 ;针对边界元法构造的公式分析特征值问题的不足 ,给出了几种边界元法结构噪声特征值分析的方法 .文章结尾 。
For structural-acoustic problems of arbitrarily shaped body, numerical solution is a direct approach. Researchers are trying to find methods of getting the results efficiently. In this paper , numerical solutions for low-frequency structural-acoustic problems are reviewed. The theoretical basis of the structural-acoustic analysis techniques, the finite element methods and boundary element methods are described in general terms. Both their characters and limitations are also identified. As the BEM has limitation on eigenvalue analysis, advances in acoustic eigenvalue analysis using boundary element method are given. At the end of the paper, some deficiencies of the existing commerical softwares and the ongoing research efforts to be developed on structural-acoustic problems are described.
Journal of Naval University of Engineering