提出六自由度舰船波浪中操纵性计算方法 ,应用切片理论STF法及二维Frank源汇分布法研究了舰船在波浪中操纵运动时高频波浪力的计算 ,并编制程序 ,数值计算了在波浪中摇荡的一矩形剖面和某舰船的高频波浪力、附加质量 。
The calculation method of the ship on the maneuvering motion in six degrees of freedom in waves are presented, and the calculation of first-order high frequency wave loads of the ship is investigated by means of strip theory STF method and Frank source distribution method. A corresponding program is developed. A rectangular section and an actual ship oscillating in waves are calculated numerically. It shows that the computing results coincide with the experimental data.
Journal of Naval University of Engineering