
上海市中小学生体育锻炼现状及态度 被引量:12

Attitude and physical activity among primary and middle school students in Shanghai
摘要 目的调查上海市学龄儿童青少年体育锻炼现状,为学校体育卫生工作提供依据。方法对上海市6个区参加2014年上海市学生体质健康与调研的9~18岁中小学生共12 646名进行体育锻炼行为问卷调查。结果有40.2%的中小学生平均每天锻炼≥1 h,小学、初中和高中学生每天锻炼≥1 h的占比分别为60.9%,39.0%,19.1%(χ2=1 341.014,P<0.01);肥胖学生组每天体育锻炼≥1 h的比例(44.2%)高于正常学生组(39.4%)(χ2=9.115,P<0.01)。有60.5%的学生上体育课感觉到"出汗、有点累",78.4%的学生喜欢上体育课,82.6%的学生喜欢参加课外体育活动,51.5%的学生喜欢参加长跑。学生不积极参加体育活动、不喜欢参加长跑主要原因均是"怕累、怕吃苦"(62.5%,80.3%)。结论上海市中小学生每天体育锻炼≥1 h的报告率不同群体间存在差异。应重视体育锻炼效果评价与过程评价相结合,充分调动学生体育锻炼的积极性,培养终身运动习惯。 Objective To analyze the situation of physical activity among school-aged children and adolescents in Shanghai, and to provide a scientific basis for physical education and health promotion. Methods A questionnaire survey of physical exercise behavior was conducted among 12 646 students aged 9-18 years old in primary and middle school students in 6 districts of Shanghai in 2014. Results In the survey, 40.2% of the students had physical activity more than one h each day, and the rates of the primary, middle and high school students having physical activity more than one h each day were 60.9%, 39.0% and 19.1%,respectively( χ~2= 1 341.014, P〈0.01); The proportion of obese students in daily exercise to 1 h was significantly( 44.2%) higher than that of normal students( 39.4%)( χ2= 9.115, P〈0.01). About 60.5% of the students sweated and felt a little bit tired in PE,and 78.4% of students liked PE class, and 82.6% of the students liked to take part in extracurricular sports activities. In addition,51.5% of the students liked to participate in long-distance running. The survey found that the main reason for students' not actively participating in physical activities and long-distance running was "fear of fatigue, fear of hardship"( 62.5%, 80.3%). Conclusion The prevalence of having been physically active for a total of at least 1 h per day was higher than the global average, and there were differences among different groups. Therefore, we should pay attention to the combination of physical exercise effect evaluation and process evaluation, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of students to participate in physical exercise, and cultivate students' lifelong exercise habits.
作者 杨漾 吴艳强 王向军 彭宁宁 YANG Yang, WU Yanqiang, WANG Xiangjun, PENG Ningning.(Shanghai Educational Development Co. LTD, Shanghai(200031), China)
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第3期357-360,共4页 Chinese Journal of School Health
关键词 体育和训练 行为 健康教育 学生 Physical education and training Behavior Health education Students
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