针对350 MW超临界供热汽轮机在冬季运行时热负荷持续增长和供热能力不足的矛盾,采用双转子低真空供热方案,可大大提高汽轮机冬季供热能力。从设计角度进行计算及分析,对其在350 MW超临界机组上的应用进行安全性分析。
In view of the conflict between the continuous increase of heat load and insufficient heating capacity of 350MW supercritical heating turbine during operation in winter, the heat supply scheme of dual rotor and low-vacuum is adopted, which can greatly improve the heating capacity of the steam turbine in winter. The calculations and analysis from the perspective of design is included, among which the safety of its application on the 350MW supercritical unit are analyzed.
Power System Engineering