
基于GIS技术的甘肃省区位优势度分析 被引量:8

Analysis of location advantage value in Gansu Province using GIS technology
摘要 区位优势度是反映区域经济、社会发展的重要指标。基于网格评分的思想,建立区位优势度模型,利用GIS技术对甘肃全省范围进行无缝网格的定量分析。确立交通网络密度、交通干线影响度和城镇影响度三个评价指标,分析甘肃省境内综合区位优势状况。结果表明:省内大部分区域区位优势度处于较低水平,占省域面积的86.88%。只有极少数地区较高,占省域面积的0.5%,中等区位优势度地区占面积12.62%,甘肃省综合优势度区域差异显著,兰州区位优势度最高,为0.86,阿克塞哈萨克族自治县区位优势度最低,接近0。综合区位优势度较高区域依然沿陇海-兰新线和主要交通干线分布,中东部地区优势度明显高于西部廊道区域。中东部主要以兰州为中心,在陇海-兰新线东西方向上的区位优势逐渐延伸并减弱,向西途经武威、金昌、张掖等城镇,向东经定西市和天水市,以及向东北方向的白银市;西部主要以酒嘉地区为核心,向东延伸至张掖、金昌等城镇,向西至瓜州县,并向敦煌南向延伸。 The location advantage value( LAV) is an important index reflecting regional economic and social development.This paper developed a model of the LAV on the basis of the scored grid to quantitatively analyze it across the Gansu Province using GIS technology. The LAV as a function of the traffic network density,distance of traffic trunk routes and influence of main cities and towns in Gansu was determined to investigate the Gansu's total location advantage. The result shows that the LAVs in the lower level are in the most of Gansu territory accounting for 86. 88%. The LAVs in the higher level are in the minority of Gansu territory accounting for 0. 5%.The LAVs in the medium level are in the rest of Gansu territory accounting for 12. 62%. The LAV difference in Gansu is obvious. Namely,the highest LAV of 0. 86 is in Lanzhou and the lowest LAV value almost approaching to zero is in the Kazak Autonomous County of Aksay. The LAVs in the higher level are near the areas along the traffic trunk routes such as the traffic corridor from Lianyungang in Jiangsu Province to Lanzhou in Gansu Province,then to rümqi in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The LAVs in the central and eastern Gansu are significantly higher than those in western Gansu. They decrease gradually from Lanzhou towards west such as Wuwei,Jinchang,Zhangye and other cities,towards east such as Dingxi and Tianshui,towards northeast such as Baiyin. The LAVs in western Gansu decrease gradually from Jiuquan and Jiayuguan towards west such as Guazhou,towards east such as Zhangye and Wuwei,towards south such as Dunhuang.
作者 武翠芳 赵琦 易海迎 张琳玲 詹玉辉 WU Cuifang1 , ZHAO Qi2, YI Haiying2, ZHANG Linling2, ZHAN Yuhui3(1. School of Agriculture & Forestry Economics and Management, Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics, Lanzhou 730101, China; 2. School of Economics, Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics, Lanzhou 730101, China; 3. Lanzhou Meteorological Bureau, Lanzhou 730020, Chin)
出处 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期1365-1373,共9页 Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology
基金 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(41401645) 国家社科青年基金项目(10CGL050) 兰州财经大学科研专项经费资助
关键词 区位优势度 GIS技术 丝绸之路 甘肃省 location advantage value GIS technology the Belt and Road Gansu Province
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