
洱海流域上游种植户对水稻和大蒜秸秆资源化利用的实证研究 被引量:5

Empirical Study on Farmers' Straw of Rice and Garlic Resources Utilization in the Upper Reaches of Erhai Watershed
摘要 基于洱海流域上游351个采取水稻-大蒜水旱轮作模式种植户的问卷调查数据,采用Bivariate-Probit模型进行了实证研究。结果表明:至少有80%的种植户对水稻秸秆进行了资源化利用,而仅有36%的种植户对大蒜秸秆进行资源化利用;农业收入比重、水稻种植规模、水稻育秧方式显著影响了种植户对水稻秸秆资源化利用的行为;性别、年龄、受教育程度、大蒜秸秆产量是种植户对大蒜秸秆资源化利用的显著影响因素。对种植户进行适当的政策补贴,提高种植户的文化程度可能是提高2种作物秸秆资源化利用的有效途径。 Using the valid questionnaire survey data of 351 growers from Yousuo town, Dengchuan town and Shangguan town,who carried out the rice-garlic rotation mode in the upper reaches of Erhai watershed by the random sampling selection method, the influence factors of growers' two kinds of behaviors of resource utilization of rice and garlic straw were determined by Bivariate-Probit model in the consideration of possible correlation between whether farmers carried out rice straw resources utilization or not and whether farmers carried out garlic straw resources utilization or not. The results showed that it was found that there were at least 80~ of farmers who utilized rice straws resource while only 36~ of farmers who utilized garlic straws resource. On one hand, farmersr proportion of agricultural income in the total family income, rice planting scale, the method of rice seedling raising all had significant and positive influence on farmersr behavior of rice straw resource utilization. Among them,farmers' high proportion of agricultural income in the total family income exerted the largest positive effect on their rice straws resource utilization in terms of marginal effect. On the other hand, farmers' gender,age and education level, garlic straws output level were significant influence factors determining their behavior of garlic straws resource utilization. Among them, male farmers were the most likely to utilize garlic straw resources well in terms of marginal effect. Therefore, there were probably two routes to encourage farmers to enhance their rice straws resource utilization rate. At first, more appropriate policy subsidies for farmers' rice and garlic straws resource utilization should be carried out effectively, which could improve their willingness to exert straw resource utilization. Meanwhile, more attention should be paid to farmers' education level, which was more likely to improve their cognition of straw resource utilization meaning.
作者 孟杨 MENG Yang(The Economic and Trade Branch, Xinj iang Agriculture Vocational Technical College, Changji, Xinj iang 8:3110)
出处 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第7期179-186,共8页 Northern Horticulture
基金 农业部软科学课题资助项目(201512)
关键词 水稻秸秆 大蒜秸秆 资源化利用 洱海流域 Bivariate-Probit模型 rice straw garlic straw resources utilization Erhai watershed Bivariate-Probit model
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