
长期保存起源信息封装技术的比较研究 被引量:1

Comparison of Packaging Technology of Provenance Metadata in Digital Preservation
摘要 文章详细介绍了四种国际主流起源信息的封装格式和应用方案,对其封装方法、元数据支持、工具支持和易用性等进行了对比分析,进一步探讨了四种方法在实际应用中的问题及其应对策略,并建议在实际运用中,应结合具体场景选择合适的封装格式和封装策略,以达到最佳效果。 By comprehensively analysing and comparing mainstream packaging technologies and packaging scheme,this article tries to provide references for developing and implementing the provenance management framework of digital preservation system. The author analyzed four packaging formats and applications used in international projects in detail. Furthermore, packaging method, metadata scheme, available tools, usability and expansibility of these four formats were compared, and possible problems in practices were discussed. Each of these four packaging formats has its own characteristics and shortcomings. We should choose the appropriate packaging format to make an effective packaging scheme and become a best practice.
作者 吴振新 李文燕 蒋世银 Wu Zhen-xin;Li Wen-yan;Jiang Shi-yin
出处 《图书馆理论与实践》 CSSCI 2018年第3期52-57,共6页 Library Theory and Practice
关键词 起源信息 封装技术 长期保存 Provenance Information Packaging Technologies Packaging Format Digital Preservation
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