
电离层延迟的区域CORS数据实时监测 被引量:3

Real-time monitoring of ionospheric delay based on CORS data
摘要 针对区域电离层变化情况较为复杂,所确定的电离层模型系数难以反映其短时间内的变化情况问题,该文提出了利用旋转地图内插结合曲面拟合模型实现区域电离层实时监测方法。采用旋转地图内插IGS提供的电离层数据,能够有效补偿电离程度与太阳位置的强相关性,提高总电子含量内插精度;基于曲面拟合模型对区域电离层进行实时监测,实现了模型系数的实时更新。利用JSCORS网的双频观测数据,采用曲面拟合模型建立了实时的区域电离层监测模型,数据计算结果表明,其网内外精度分别优于0.81TECU和0.96TECU。 Aiming at the problem that regional ionospheric changes are complicated and constant ionospheric model coefficient is difficult to reflect the changes in a short time.A real-time monitoring method of regional ionosphere by rotating map interpolation combined with surface fitting model was proposed.The strong correlation between the degree of ionization and the solar position can be effectively compensated using the rotating map to interpolate the ionospheric data provided by IGS and to improve the total electron content interpolation accuracy.Regional ionosphere was monitored in real-time based on surface fitting model,and real-time updating of model coefficients was achieved.The regional real-time ionospheric delay model was established using dual observations of JSCORS,data calculation results showed that the network accuracy of surface fitting model monitoring ionospheric delay was better than 0.81 TECU inside and better than 0.96 TECU outside.
作者 辛星 桂维振 崔有祯 熊欢欢 XIN Xing;GUI Weizhen;CUI Youzhen;XIONG Huanhuan(Beijing Polytechnic College, Beijing 100042, China;School of Earth Science and Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)
出处 《测绘科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期122-126,共5页 Science of Surveying and Mapping
基金 北京工业职业技术学院重点科研课题项目(bgzykyz201411-1)
关键词 CORS 码间偏差 电离层 实时监测 总电子含量 曲面拟合模型 旋转地图 CORS difference code bias ionosphere real-time monitoring total electron content surface fitting model rotation map
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