
南海争端和平解决的途径:法律治理机制的现况、困境与未来分析视角 被引量:1

An Approach to Peaceful Settlement of the South China Sea Disputes: Present Situation,Dilemma and Future of Legal Governance Mechanism
摘要 现实主义视角下国际社会的"冲突"是必然的过程但最终将回归"稳定"的结果,造成"稳定"结果的关键是国际规则的规范。长期而言,南海争端和平解决的途径仍将回归南海法律治理机制。南海法律治理机制的框架可区分为"全球法律治理机制"及"区域论坛机制"。"全球法律治理机制"的困境在于1982《联合国海洋法公约》及IMO所制定的法律文件因无法凌驾单一国家的主权问题而缺乏"强制力"或是"监管机制"。相反的,"区域论坛机制"的《南海各方行为宣言》因具软法性质展现其对南海政治性问题解决的弹性。在南海问题解决上,中国以外交实力坚持南海各国回归《南海各方行为宣言》精神,推进《南海行为准则》磋商,就是从国际规则的参与者过渡到建构者身份的一个过程。未来《南海行为准则》法律效果若设计成趋近于"具有法律约束力的说明"既可维持中国在"区域论坛机制"外交权主导地位,同时也兼顾了南海争端小国达成具一定约束力的的南海行为规制的希望。 "Conflict" in the international society, in the view of realism, is a necessary process, and will return to a "stable" result finally, which mainly results from the norm of international regulation. In the long term, the approach to peaceful settlement of the South China Sea disputes will return to legal governance mechanism of the South China Sea, which takes "global legal governance mechanism" and "regional forum mechanism" as its framework. A dilemma for the former lies in the lack of "compulsion" and "supervision" resulting from the fact that The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the conventions stipulated by IMO face the sovereignty problem of single country. On the contrary, Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) as a regional forum mechanism shows its flexibility in settling the political issues owing to its nature of soft law. In terms of the settlement of South China Sea issue, China insists with its diplomacy power that the coastal countries abide by the spirit of DOC, and promotes the negotiation of The Code of Conduct in the South China Sea ( COC), during which China will transform to a constructor from a participator of interna- tional regulation. If the legal effect of COC is designed with the tendency of "legally binding instrument" in the future, China' s dominant status can be maintained in the diplomacy power of "regional forum mechanism", and meantime there will be the prospect for the small countries involved in the South China Sea disputes to reach the binding regulation of conduct.
作者 戴宗翰 DAI Zong-han(Law School, Shandong University, Qingdao 266237, Chin)
机构地区 山东大学法学院
出处 《海南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2018年第2期30-39,共10页 Journal of Hainan University (Humanities & Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(17ZDA146)
关键词 治理机制 1982联合国海洋法公约 南海各方行为宣言 南海行为准则 governance mechanism 1982 UNCLOS DOC COC
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