The intelligent control system is a hardware and software system for monitoring the construction process of the overall construction process and to provide timely feedback according to the warning threshold by using the Internet and mobile communication network. This system not only enhances the quality of asphalt pavement construction but also improves the management efficiency, saves construction and management costs,clears the objectivity of pavement quality evaluation and prolongs the asphalt pavement service life. It shows a great application prospect in the future construction of asphalt pavement. Then, this paper introduced each aspect of the control system of Asphalt pavement Xu Ming Jiangsu Expressway. The laboratory mix design was used to set the threshold for controlling each mixing silo backcourt, asphalt aggregate ratio and the process of transportation, paving and rolling monitoring. It overcomes the problems in the construction of the asphalt treatment such as delay or unscientific treatments. It effectively promotes the highway asphalt pavement construction quality management to become more modern, more intelligent and more scientific.
Shanghai Highways
Asphalt pavement construction control
Intelligent management and control system
Quality management