
不同牵引力人造草坪对男子足球运动员急停起跳膝关节前交叉韧带损伤的影响 被引量:8

Effects of the Artificial Turf Traction on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury of Male Soccer Athletes in Stop-jump Task
摘要 目的:对比在不同牵引力作用下男子足球运动员完成急停起跳动作时下肢的运动学和动力学特征,确定不同牵引力人造草坪对非接触性前交叉韧带损伤风险的影响。方法:通过填充橡胶颗粒的方式制造3种不同牵引力的人造草坪,采集15名男子足球运动员在不同牵引力人造草坪上进行急停起跳的运动学和动力学数据。计算缓冲阶段地面反作用力在水平和垂直方向上的峰值力和加载率,以及首次向后地面反作用力峰值时刻的地面反作用力分量、膝关节角度和力矩。采用单因素重复测量方差分析确定不同牵引力人造草坪对男子足球运动员非接触性前交叉韧带损伤风险的影响。结果:在急停起跳缓冲阶段,人造草坪牵引力的提高显著增大了地面反作用力在水平方向上的峰值力(P=0.015)和加载率(P=0.019);在首次向后地面反作用力峰值时刻,人造草坪牵引力的提高显著增大了向后地面反作用力(P=0.002)、膝伸力矩(P=0.002)和膝内旋力矩(P=0.019)。结论:牵引力主要从动力学指标上影响男子足球运动员在急停起跳过程中非接触性前交叉韧带损伤的风险,随着鞋与人造草坪交互面牵引力的增大,非接触性前交叉韧带损伤风险增大。 Purpose:To compare the kinematic and kinetic data of male soccer athletes in the stop-jump task on different shoe-turf tractions,to determine the ef-fects of traction on risk of non-contact ACL injury. Methods:A mechanical test was used to quantify the tractions of artificial turfs. The kinematic and kinetic da-ta of 15 male soccer athletes in the stop-jump task on different shoe-turf interactions were collected. The peak ground reaction forces and loading rates duringlanding phase in the stop-jump task,as well as the ground reaction forces,knee angles and knee moments at peak impact posterior ground reaction force in thestop-jump task were calculated. A one-way ANOVA with repeated measures was performed to determine the effects of traction on risk of non-contact ACL inju-ry. Results:With the increased in artificial turf traction,the male soccer athletes significantly increased the peak horizontal ground reaction force(P=0.015)andloading rate(P=0.019)during the landing phase,as well as increased the posterior ground reaction force(P=0.002),knee extension moment(P=0.002)and kneeinternal rotation moment(P=0.019)at peak impact posterior ground reaction force in the stop-jump task. Conclusions:The traction mainly affects the kineticdata of male soccer athletes during landing phase in the stop-jump task,the increasing of shoe-turf traction would increase the risk of non-contact ACL injuryin the stop-jump task for male soccer athletes.
作者 杨辰 曲峰 万祥林 杨子涵 王立端 YANG Chen;QU Feng;WAN Xianglin;YANG Zihan;WANG Liduan(Sports Science College, Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084, China)
出处 《天津体育学院学报》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期350-354,共5页 Journal of Tianjin University of Sport
关键词 人造草坪 鞋与表面交互作用 运动生物力学 运动损伤 artificial turf shoe-surface interaction sports biomechanics sports injury
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