
濒危植物暗紫贝母的开花物候和传粉方式 被引量:5

Abloom Phenology and Pollination Mode of Endangered Plant Fritillaria unibracteata
摘要 暗紫贝母(Fritillaria unibracteata)是药材川贝母的基原植物之一,属国家二级保护植物。以自然授粉为对照,采用观察和7种花器操作对漳县荒坡地驯化栽培暗紫贝母开花物候和传粉方式进行了研究,旨在揭示其传粉结实特性,探寻繁种策略,为野生驯化扩繁提供科学依据。结果表明:仿野生农田环境条件下,暗紫贝母株型多样化趋势明显,2013年采用鳞茎播种的暗紫贝母次年3月下旬返青,返青株以单叶株为主,多叶株少量,开花株稀少。随栽培年限延长,多叶株和开花株比率提高,单株开花数增多。开花株5月上旬现蕾,下旬进入盛花期,6月中旬蒴果成形,7月中下旬种子成熟倒苗,花蕾期茎叶持续生长,株高10.18~19.26cm。自然结实率75.0%,去雄套纸袋不结实,人工异交率80%以上,自然异交率70%,自交率低于30%,单果结种子(110±22)粒,百粒鲜重(94.53±53.62)mg。访花昆虫有蜂类、蝇类、蜘蛛和蚂蚁等。说明这种小株植物不存在无融合生殖现象,属异花授粉类型,部分自交亲和,传粉媒介以虫媒为主,风媒为辅,暗紫贝母特有的物候、株形多样化和传粉特性是其长期适应高寒恶劣多变环境的结果。 As a second-class endangered plant in China,Fritillaria unibracteatais one of the main source plants for Chinese medicine Chuanbeimu which has high medical value.Based on observation and seven kinds of floral organ operation using the natural pollination as the control,the phenology,pollinating modes of the domesticated plant cultivated in Zhang county were studied in order to reveal its pollinating and seed-set traits,it means to explore breeding strategy and provide a scientific basis for wild domesticated cultivation of the medical plant.The results showed that the plant type was obviously diversified under imitating the wild agricultural field conditions,which turned green at the end of next March when cultivated by the bulbs,among which the most was one-leaf plants accompanying a few multiple-leaf ones with sparse abloom ones.The abloom plants increased with growth year elongation,appeared buds and flowers during May,showed capsules in the middle June and matured seeds in the middle to end of July,and then successionally perished afterwards.The plant continued growth with flower development and reached 10.18~19.26 cm of plant height during anthesis.It resulted in 75.0%of seed-set rate in nature but showed slimsyresult when bagged with paper after castration,more than 80% of outcrossing rate by manual and 70%in nature,incidentally 30% of self compatibility.There were(110±22)grains of seeds in a capsule and the average 100-seed fresh weight was(94.53±53.62)mg.The flower visitors included bees,flies,spiders,and ants.All above indicated that this small plant belonged to the cross-pollination reproduction type without parth enogenesis,partially self compatibility.This plant was Mainly pollinated by insects,and also likely to be pollinated by wind.The special pollination and fruit-set traits of the plant may be the result from its chronic adaptation to the extremely cold environment.
作者 郭凤霞 陈垣 张荩凤 白刚 GUO Feng-xia;CHEN Yuan;ZHANG Jin-feng;BAI Gang(Gansu Provincial Key Lab of Good Agricultural Production for Traditional Chinese Medicines, Gansu Provincial Engineering Research Centre for Medical Plant Cultivation and Breeding, Provincial Key Lab of Aridland Crop Science, College of Life Sciences and Technology, College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China;Gansu Engineering Laboratory of Resource Reservation and Utilization for Characteristic Medical Plants, Gansu Cultivated Engineering and Technology Research Center of Standardization and Traceability for Characteristic Chinese Medicine, Gansu Tasly Zhongtian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Dingxi, Gansu 748100, China)
出处 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期1324-1332,共9页 Acta Agrestia Sinica
基金 国家自然科学地区基金(31660158 31360316) 甘肃省中药材产业科技攻关项目(GYC12-06) 甘南州藏(中)药材川贝母人工种植试验研究和示范推广 兰州市科技计划(06-02-60 2015-3-65 2016-2-89) 甘肃农业大学教学研究项目资助
关键词 暗紫贝母 物候学 传粉方式 结实 异交率 Fritillaria unibracteata Phenology Pollination modes Seed-set Outcrossing rate
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