

Control measures and effects of malaria in Hanzhong City of Shaanxi Province from 2010-2016
摘要 目的对2010—2016年陕西省汉中市疟疾防治措施及效果进行分析,为进一步提高防治能力提供依据。方法收集2010—2016年汉中市疟疾疫情、"三热"病人血检、疫点调查及处置、治疗及健康教育专题调查等数据,采用描述方法进行整理和分析。结果 2010—2016年汉中市共发现疟疾病例27例(外地报告3例),其中境外输入性22例,以非洲为主,占59.09%(13/22),病例实验室诊断占92.59%(25/27);感染虫种以恶性疟原虫为主,占51.85%(14/27)。自2011年起无本地感染病例发生。血检30 564人次,大于汉中市总人口数的0.1%,总阳性率为0.08%(24/30 564)。所有病例均在诊断后24 h内进行报告,初诊诊断比例25.0%(6/24)。病例发病到诊断时间中位数从2010年的12 d缩短到2016年的2.5 d。3 d内流行病学个案调查率为100.0%(24/24),7 d内疫点调查处置率为87.5%(21/24)。临床医师诊疗知识掌握程度和检验人员虫种鉴定能力逐年提升,居民及中小学生疟疾防治知识知晓率逐步提高。结论汉中市疟疾防治措施效果明显,但输入性疟疾防控形势依然严峻,防治能力仍需提高。 [Objective]To analyze the control measures and effects of malaria in Hanzhong City of Shaanxi Province from 2010-2016, and provide the basis for improving the ability of prevention and treatment. [Methods] The data of malaria epidemic situation, blood detection of febrile patients, foci survey and disposal, treatment and special survey of health education during2010-2016 in Hanzhong City was collected, and tidied and analyzed by descriptive methods. [Results] A total of 27 cases of malaria were discovered in Hanzhong City from 2010-2016(3 cases were reported outside the area), including 22 imported cases from abroad, of which 13 cases(59.09%,13/22) were imported from Africa. Most of the cases were laboratory-confirmed(92.59%, 25/27). The falciparum malaria cases accounted for 51.85%(14/27) of all the cases. No indigenous infection had been reported since 2011. Blood detection of febrile patients was 30 564 person-time, which was 1% greater than the total population of Hanzhong City, the total positive rate was 0.08%(24/30 564). All cases were reported within 24 h after diagnosis, the initial diagnosis proportion was 25.0%(6/24). The median of interval from onset to diagnosis had been shortened from 12 days in 2010 to 2.5 days in 2016. The 3-day case investigation rate was 100.0%(24/24). The 7-day foci disposal rate was 87.5%(21/24). The mastery degree of diagnosis and treatment knowledge among the clinical doctors and identification ability of the plasmodium among medical lab staff increased year by year. The awareness rate of malaria prevention and treatment knowledge among residents and primary and middle school students gradually improved. [Conclusion] The effectiveness of malaria control measures was obvious in Hanzhong City. However, the imported malaria remains a severe problem, the ability of control and treatment still needs to be improved.
作者 丁全明 安银翠 魏建军 张木林 马辛瑶 DING Quan-ming;AN Yin-eui;WEI Jian-jun;ZHANG Mu-lin;MA Xin-yao(Department of Infectious Disease Control and Emergency Disposal, Hanzhong Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hanzhong Shaanxi, 723000, Chin)
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2018年第4期517-520,共4页 Occupation and Health
关键词 疟疾 防治措施 效果 Malaria Control measures Effect
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