Russian Petlin's visit to China marks the first direct contact between China and Russia in the Ming Dynasty by the beginning of the 17th century.Perspective from global history offers a more comprehensive interpretation to this contact,which recognizes it as another aspect of the West's search for "Khitan",part of the exploration of the West's search of "Khitan" in its course of globalization,and the initial knowledge Europe obtained from China at the beginning of globalization.The search,whether from sea or land,for "Khitan" is identified as a pursuit of global wealth,marking the opening of economic globalization.The article holds that Petlin's visit to China bears no diplomatic mission.The mistaken Chinese Emperor Wan Li's edict brought back by Petlin only indicates a lack of mutual communication between Russia and China then.This article argues that what is worth to study is the real historical reason behind Petlin's visiting China why the West began to search "Khitan" by the time globalization began.
Social Science Front