

Asymmetric transmission based on “F” connecting shaped chiral metamterial
摘要 不对称传输(asymmetric transmission,AT)在光偏振控制方面具有重要的应用前景。本文设计了一种基于“F型迷宫”串联形金属结构的手性超材料,基于频域算法对该结构进行了数值模拟,研究了不同偏振态下的透射率,共振模式以及结构参数对谐振频率和非对称传输性能的影响。数值模拟表明:当为1.1μm的谐振频率时,能够达到0.10的非对称传输系数,通过这一点我们能够确知,这一单层结构的非对称性传输特性良好;另外,对其结构参数进行了优化,选取出合理的结构参数已获得优异的超材料性能。基于“F型迷宫”串联型超材料具有突出的优势,如低成本、结构简单且容易制备等,其对于偏振转换器、电磁开关等功能器具有突出价值。 Asymmetric transmission( asymmetric transmission,AT) has an important application foreground in optical polarization control. In this paper,applying finite method and numerical simulation to discuss the process of asymmetric transmission that the metal structure " F" connecting shaped is studied. Besides,discussing the mechanism of transmission,resonance mode and structure parameters on resonant frequency and asymmetric transmission performance under different polarization states are investigated. The result shows that on one hand,When the resonant frequency of 1. 1μm is able to achieve 0. 10 of the asymmetric transmission coefficients,following this we can be sure that this single-layer structure are good characteristics of asymmetric transmission. on the other hand,The structural parameters are optimized,and the reasonable structure parameters have been selected to obtain excellent properties. Based on the"F"shaped of chiral metamaterials have outstanding advantages,such as low-cost,simple structure and easy to prepare,ect the polarization converter,electromagnetic switch and other functions of outstanding value.
作者 阿依坎拜尔 王天堃 吐达洪 张中月 阿不都热苏力 K. Ayikanbaier;WANG Tiankun;TU Dahong;ZHANG Zhongyue;A. Abudurexiti(School of Physics and Technology, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China;School of Physics and information Technology, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi' an 710062, China)
出处 《激光杂志》 北大核心 2018年第4期6-8,共3页 Laser Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.11465019 No.11164030)
关键词 非对称性传输 平面手性超材料 圆偏振光 COMSOL软件 asymmetric transmission planer chiral metamaterial circular polarized wave
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