
增加值贸易视角下全球价值链双边嵌套特征及其动态演进 被引量:8

Features and Dynamic Evolution of Bilateral Nested Value Added Trade on Global Value Chain
摘要 文章对运用较广的单国视角的全球价值链分工评价指标进行扩展,通过构建四个维度的指标体系(双边嵌套差额、嵌套平衡指数、嵌套强度指数和嵌套地位指数),拓展研究了全球价值链上贸易伙伴国之间增加值双边嵌套关系及其演变特征,并重点分析了中国与主要贸易伙伴国美国、日本、德国、俄罗斯和印度制造业出口的双边嵌套关系。研究发现,总体上中国与主要贸易伙伴的嵌套关联强度不断增加。无论是伙伴国出口包含的中国增加值比例,还是中国出口包含的伙伴国增加值比例都在增加,但前者增加得更快,中国的双边嵌套地位在上升。由于中国出口规模庞大,中国出口包含的伙伴国增加值很多时候大于伙伴国出口包含的中国增加值,存在嵌套逆差。中国与美、日、德在高技术行业的关联度比中、低技术行业高,而与俄罗斯、印度则分别是中、低技术行业关联度较高。中国在低技术行业优势地位明显,高技术行业相对较弱,但是都在向更好的方向发展,中国的整体国际分工地位在不断提高。 This paper expanded on one-country evaluation indexes of Global Value Chain Specialization,constructed the index system involving four dimensions,studied the features and dynamic evolution of bilateral nested value added trade between partner countries on the Global Value Chain,and specially analyzed bilateral nesting relations between China and her major trade partners. It is found that the link intensity between China and partners generally continue to grow. Both the proportion of value added from China in partners' export and the proportion of value added from partners in China export are increasing,but the former increases faster,so the bilateral nested position of China is rising. Although the proportion of value added from China is larger than that from partners in many cases,the amount of partners' value added in China export is usually larger than that from China in partners' export because of the huge amount of China export,which results in a bilateral nested deficit. The link intensity between China and USA,Japan and Germany in high tech industries is stronger than that in middle and low technology industries. The specialization position China on Global Value Chain is rising overall.
出处 《世界经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期110-122,共13页 World Economy Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目"企业原始创新的决定因素与影响效应研究"(项目编号:14AJL008) 江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究基金指导项目"经济新常态下江苏省创新驱动发展战略研究"(项目编号:2016SJD630002) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项"产学研国际合作及技术转移的模式与机制研究"(批准号:30917015109)的部分研究成果
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