Ever since it was introduced to China in early 1980s, Japa- nese anime has greatly influenced Chinese post 80s and 90s generations. The translation of Japanese anime in China in the past four decades has undergone a shift from official dubbing to fansubbing, coinciding with significant changes in the imagination of Japan through anime. While the popular imagination of Japan used to be controlled by the state during the era of official dubbing,during the fansubbing era, Chinese fans of Japanese anime have combined el- ements of moe culture, rotten culture, and indigenous pop culture to create diverse images of Japan that are remarkable different from those produced by the official media. This article argues that translation is not a simple, neutral mode of intercultural transmission, but a subjective process of cultural appro- priation. The process of translation is not only subject to the control of politi- cal and economic factors, but shot through with translators' desire for and fan- tasy of the object of translation, and is directly related to the construction of the image of a foreign nation.
Cultural Studies
Japanese anime anime translation imagination of Japan