20世纪80年代,斯图亚特·霍尔的文化研究范式发生转变,"编码/解码"理论也随之淡出文化研究领域。通过对初稿Encoding and decoding in the television discourse(1973)与终稿Encoding/Decoding(1980)文本的对比分析,我们可以清晰地看到霍尔在1973~1980年,通过对列维-斯特劳斯、早期符号学和语言学的重新启用,以及对葛兰西的再发现,扬弃了"编码/解码"理论。他不仅由此发展出了自己的"接合理论",为当时"文化主义"与"结构主义"僵持不下的局面找到了一条新的路径,而且,也通过话语理论关注了福柯,成为他后期"表征理论"的重要源泉。完善后的"编码/解码"理论,更多局限于传播学,而霍尔借此萌发出的"表征理论",成为他日后文化研究的重要视角。
In 1980s, there was a paradigm shift of Stuart Hall's cultural research, and the "Encoding/Decoding" theory also faded out in the area of cultural studies. By comparing the initial edition of Encoding and decoding in the television discourse (1973) with the final edition of Encoding/Decoding(1980) , we can see clearly that from 1973 to 1980, by reusing the theory of Levi-Strauss, early semiotics and linguistics and Gramsci, Hall revised the "Encoding/Decoding" theory. He not only developed his own theory of Rep- resentation, pointed out a new solution for the stalemate between "cultural- ism" and "structuralism", but also focused on his Foueauh by referring to the discourse theory which became an important source of his Representation theory later. The refined "Encoding/Decoding" theory was mainly confined to the field of Communication Studiest, whereas the " Representation" theory became an important perspective of Hall's cultural studies.
Cultural Studies