3IHS Herold Company Valuation & Strategy Research. Rosneft/ ExxonMobil alliance is win for both companies[R] .2011-08.
4IHS Herold Company Valuation & Strategy Research. BP Plc company update: The end of the road for TNK-BP[R].2012-06.
5IHS Herold Transaction Valuation Research. BP Announces intention to pursue a potential sale of its 50% interest in TNK- BP[R].2012-06.
6IHS Herold Transaction Valuation Research. Rosneft enters preliminary agreements to acquire 100% of Russian producer TNK-BP from BP and the AAR Group for approximately US$60 billion in cash and stock; BP to acquire additional 18.5% equity stake in Rosneft, raising its aggregate shareholding in the Russian NOC to 19.75%.2012-10.
7Woodmac Upstream Insight. Majors: differentiated portfolios; positioning for growth[R].2011-06.