

Comment on HUANG Zongxi and HUANG Baijia's,or Father and Son's Explanation of Tai Ji Tu Shuo— Focusing on Song Yuan Xue An
摘要 在思想史定位上,黄百家表彰了周敦颐开创性理之学的学术贡献。在周程授受上,黄百家等编纂者在承认客观师承关系的同时,又认为不能夸大师承关系在学者的思想形成过程中所起的作用。在对周敦颐著作的评价上,黄百家依据黄宗炎的考证,批评《太极图说》中夹杂儒、释、道三教思想,比不上《通书》之纯粹,反对朱熹以来的编纂顺序,将《通书》置于思想资料之首。在《太极图说》的本体论阐释上,黄宗羲一方面继承了刘宗周的心学思想,一方面又受到主张元气实体论的实学思潮影响,从理气合一的立场出发解释了周敦颐的太极说,批判了朱熹理本论的太极说阐释。在《太极图说》的修养功夫论阐释上,黄氏父子继承刘宗周的性情、理欲、动静合一论说,批判了朱熹的二元论阐释。 So far as the position in Chinese history of academic thinking is concerned,HUANG Baijia commended ZHOU Dunyi' s academic contribution of initiating Xingli( natural principle) academic thoughts. As to ZHOU Cheng's impartation-acceptance,while he and other writers admitted the objective succession relationship,he also believed that its role of succession relationship should not be exaggerated in the process of forming the scholars' thought. On the evaluation of ZHOU Dunyi's works,HUANG Baijia,based on HUANG Zongyan' s textual researches,criticized Tai Ji Tu Shuo which was mixed up with ideology of Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism and was no match for pureness of Tong Shu. And he objected to ZHU Xi's compiling order and placed Tong Shu on the top of ideological data. With regard to the ontological explanation of Tai Ji Tu Shuo,HUANG Zongxi inherited LIU Zongzhou's moral philosophy. And he exposed to the influence of practical trend advocating the thesis of vitality,explained ZHOU Dunyi's theory of the Supreme Ultimate from the standpoint of the combination of Li and Qi,and criticized ZHU Xi's Theory of Principle elucidating the Supreme Ultimate. Relating to the theory of cultivation and art of Tai Ji Tu Shuo,HUANG's father and son carried forward LIU Zongzhou's theory of unity of Xing and Qing,Li and Yu,Dong and Jing and criticized ZHU Xi's dualistic theory explanation.
作者 连凡 LIAN Fan(School of Philosophy,Wuhan University,Wuhan430072,Chin)
出处 《洛阳理工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第2期60-68,共9页 Journal of Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology:Social Science Edition
基金 2017年度国家社科基金后期资助项目"<宋元学案>综合研究"(编号:17FZX013) 2016年度教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"阳明心学的历史渊源及其近代转型研究"(编号:16JJD720014)的部分成果
关键词 黄宗羲 黄百家 周敦颐 《太极图说》 《宋元学案》 HUANG Zongxi HUANG Baijia ZHOU Dunyi Tai Ji Tu Shuo Song Yuan Xue An
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