结合工程实例,通过降雨量估算法、回用水量计算法、水量平衡法、年径流总量控制率计算法及开发前后雨水径流量比较法的分析,确定雨水蓄水池的有效容积为200 m^3,给出了下沉式绿地率、透水铺装率与蓄水池容积的线性关系,可供设计人员参考。
Combining with an engineering e x amp le , the methods of rainfall e st ima tion, reused rainwater computation, water b a la n c e , volume capture ratio of annual rainfall computation and comparison of rainfall runoff pre-construction and post-construction were analysed. The ef fective size of stormwater tank was identified as 200 m3. A linear relationship between the ratio of depressed green as wel l as permeable pavement and the ef fective size of stormwater tank has been found out ,which can be used by other designers.
Xiang Fengkui;Peng Ran;Wang Jinhai(China Gezhouba Group Co. , Lt d. ,Wu h a n 430022 , C h in a;Central South Archi t ectural Design Institute , W u h a n 4 3 0 0 7 1 , C h in a;School of Resource and Civi l Engineering, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430205 , C h in a;CSCEC AECOM Consultants Co. , Lt d. ,Q in g d a o 2 6 6 0 7 1 , C h i n a)
Water Purification Technology