
交直流配电网及柔性变电站仿真研究 被引量:1

Simulation of AC/DC distribution network and flexible substation
摘要 以张北交直流配电网及柔性变电站示范工程为依托进行系统建模仿真。柔性变电站能够进行低压交直流混合输出,因此采用交-直-交的电力电子变压器拓扑结构,方便分布式电源、分散式储能装置及交直流负载的灵活接入。光伏电站的输出功率为2.5 MW或无功率输出,无功率输出时,负载由云计算10 k V交流供电;当光伏电站输出功率为2.5 MW时,其中1.25 MW通过柔性变压器提供给交直流负载,剩余1.25 MW通过逆变器传送回云计算10 k V交流侧。交直流混合配电网结构灵活、高度可控、传输效率高,可提高区域能源"源-网-荷"协调互动水平,是支撑未来电网灵活、稳定运行的保证。 The system modeling and simulation is carried out based on the demonstration project of Zhangbei AC/DC distribution network and flexible substation. Flexible substation can carry out low-voltage AC-DC hybrid output,so adopting the AC-DC-AC power electronic transformer topology to facilitate the distributed power supply,decentralized energy storage devices and AC and DC load flexible access. The output power of the PV power plant is 2. 5 MW or no power output. When there is no power output,the load is calculated by the cloud 10 k V AC power supply. When the photovoltaic power plant output power is 2. 5 MW,of which 1. 25 MW through the flexible transformer is provided to AC and DC load,the remaining 1. 25 MW through the inverter is sent back to cloud computing 10 k V AC side. AC and DC hybrid distribution network structure is flexible and highly controllable,and has high transmission efficiency,which can improve the regional energy source-network-charge to coordinate the level of interaction. It is the guarantee to support the future power grid flexible and stable operation.
作者 解腾 亢梦婕 王谱宇 黄家豪 Xie Teng;Kang Mengjie;Wang Puyu;Huang Jiahao(Army Engineering University, Nanjing 210007, China;Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China)
出处 《信息技术与网络安全》 2018年第3期140-143,共4页 Information Technology and Network Security
关键词 交直流混合配电网 电力电子变压器 仿真 AC/DC hybrid distribution network power electronic transformer simulation
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