
英国退欧与欧洲防务一体化问题探析 被引量:3

Brexit's Impact on European Defense Integration
摘要 欧洲防务一体化是欧盟的诞生初衷与长期追求目标。然而,无论是二战后的欧洲防务共同体还是当前欧盟共同安全与防务政策都无法达到欧洲防务一体化的预期,英国是重要影响因素之一。由于特殊历史渊源,英国对欧洲防务一体化始终持保留态度。冷战后英国对欧洲防务一体化政策经历了从"双重遏制"到"恶意忽视"的一系列调整,对其发展进程产生重要影响。现在英国与欧盟即将分道扬镳,欧洲防务一体化能否因此取得突破性进展?本文认为,英国退欧意味着欧盟外部影响力的缩减和内部共识基础的弱化,这对于欧洲防务一体化来说并非利好消息而是雪上加霜。 The integration of European defense has been the European Union's original,long-term goal. However,neither the European Defense Community nor the Common Security and Defense Policy( CSDP) has been able to deliver on that.And this is partly attributable to the UK. Due to special historical reasons,the UK has always had reservation about the EU and the CSDP. After the end of the Cold War,British policy on European defense integration has undergone a series of adjustments,from "double containment"to "malign neglect",which has exerted important impact on the development of the CSDP. Now that the UK is leaving the EU,will European defense integration make a breakthrough? This article argues that since Brexit has resulted in the reduction of European Union's external political and military influence and the weakening of internal consensus,Brexit is not good news for European defense integration;rather it is likely to make the situation even worse.
作者 张程 刘玉安
出处 《国际论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期33-38,77,共6页 International Forum
基金 国家社科基金项目"21世纪欧洲社会民主党及其转型研究"(批准号:15BKS065)的阶段性研究成果
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