

Design Scheme of Methanol Production Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Project
摘要 煤制甲醇生产过程产生消耗大量的水及产生含多种污染物的废水。本文通过对国内外的甲醇生产废水处理技术的主流工艺,结合实际的设计案例--SBR生化+膜处理技术回用来探讨甲醇生产废水处理及回用技术。SBR法处理可生化废水效果良好,软化处理循环冷却水及深度处理改两股水预处理后混合废水,取得良好的污染物削减及中水回用效果。 The production process of coal - made methanol produces a large amount of water and the production ofwastewater containing a variety of pollutants Based on the mainstream technology of methanol production wastewater treatment technology at home and abroad, combined with the actual SBR and membrane treatment cases, the methanol production wastewater treatment and reuse technology is discussed. SBR treatment of biodegradable wastewater has good effect. Softening treatment, recirculating cooling water and advanced treatment changed the mixed wastewater after pretreatment of two strands of water, and achieved good pollutant reduction and reclaimed water reuse effect.
作者 陈警生 Chen Jingsheng(GDEP Engineering Research & Design Institute Ltd., Guangzhou 510000, China)
出处 《广东化工》 CAS 2018年第8期187-188,200,共3页 Guangdong Chemical Industry
关键词 甲醇生产废水 SBR BAF RO methanol production wastewater SBR BAF RO
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