

Discussion on the application of project manager responsibility system in marketing management
摘要 介绍了某销售公司的某产品部的涤纶短纤主要差异化产品销售,在营销管理中运用项目经理责任制的背景,对项目经理责任制和客户经理责任制2种管理模式进行对比,突出新产品推广适合运用项目经理责任制的同时,不回避项目经理责任制的不足,找出具体解决措施,并强调在营销管理中运用项目经理责任制的必要性及重要性。另外,将该产品部涤纶短纤主要差异化新产品销售运用项目经理责任制作为案例,提炼出运用该管理模式所要具备的基本条件,并详细阐述其运用过程中的项目经理任务包设置和绩效考核管理方法,最后总结了2017年上半年该产品部涤纶短纤差异化产品销售运用项目经理责任制后取得的成效。 This paper introduces the background of the application of project manager responsibility system in the mar- keting management of the main differentiated polyester staple fiber products of a sales company, and compares the two management modes: project manager responsibility system and customer manager responsibility system. It is necessary and important to apply the project manager responsibility system in marketing management while stressing that the new product promotion is suitable for the application of the project manager responsibility system, while not avoiding the defi- ciency of the project manager responsibility system, finding out the concrete solutions. The project manager responsibility system is used as a case study for the sales of the main differentiated new polyester staple fiber products in the product department, and the basic conditions for the application of the management mode are extracted. The project rnanager's task package setting and performance evaluation management method in the process of application are described in de- tail. Finally, the results obtained after the application of project manager~ responsibility system to the sales of the poly- ester staple fiber differential products of the product department in the first half of 2017 are summarized.
作者 姜福猛 JIANG Fu-meng(Huazhong Branch, Sinopec Chemical Sales Co. Ltd. , Wuhan 430077, Chin)
出处 《聚酯工业》 CAS 2018年第2期13-17,共5页 Polyester Industry
关键词 涤纶短纤 营销管理 项目经理责任制 polyester staple fiber marketing management project manager responsibility system
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