
水稻产量和施肥效果差异——以吉林省为例 被引量:1

Difference of Yield and Fertilization Effect of Rice the Case of Jilin Province
摘要 为探究吉林省不同地区水稻产量和施肥效果差异,本研究以吉林省水稻主流品种为试验材料,采用2005-2013年吉林省测土配方施肥田间试验数据,研究不施肥(N0P0K0)、不施氮只施磷钾肥(N0PK)和均衡施用氮磷钾肥(NPK)3个处理对吉林省各州市水稻产量、增产量及肥料利用率的影响。结果表明,吉林省各市州不施肥时水稻产量可达4.0~7.8 t·hm^(-2),在仅施磷钾肥和均衡施肥后增产效果差异显著,增产率分别为10.3%~30.4%(除辽源市外)和35.4%~109.0%,且施肥在长春市、吉林市增产效果明显,均衡施肥对通化市和延边朝鲜族自治州水稻产量提升影响较大。吉林省氮肥利用率在16.4%~32.7%之间,以吉林市、四平市最高;氮肥偏生产力在52.5~76 kg·kg-1之间,以松原市为最高。根据吉林省各市州的土壤基础理化性质、产量及肥料利用率将吉林省水稻划分为西部、中部和东部三大施肥区。综上,均衡施肥是提高水稻产量的最佳施肥方式,同时根据各区域之间的基础地力、产量和肥料利用率差异建立施肥分区,在此基础上制定并优化施肥用量,是实现精确施肥,提高产量和肥效的有效途径。本研究为吉林省不同地区水稻高产和肥料高效管理提供了理论依据和实践指导。 In order to investigate the difference of yield and fertilization efficiency of rice in different cities of Jilin Province,field experiments of soil test and formulated fertilization project from 2005 to 2013 were carried out with typical types of rice in Jilin Province to analyze the effect of increasing yield and nitrogen fertilizer efficiency on rice yield in different cities with three treatments: no fertilizer( N0 P0 K0),only phosphorus and potassium fertilizer( N0 PK) and balanced fertilizer( NPK). The results showed that the rice yields of different cities had remarkable differences,which ranged from 4. 0 t·hm^-2 to 7. 8 t·hm^-2 when there was no fertilizer application; increasing yield rates with N0 PK treatment and NPK treatment were 10. 3% - 30. 4%( except for Liaoyuan) and 35. 4% - 109. 0%,respectively.Fertilizer application had notable increasing yield effects for Jilin and Changchun,and nitrogen fertilizer significantly affected rice yield for Tonghua and Yanbian. Nitrogen use efficiency in Jilin Province was 16. 4% - 32. 7%,and was higher in Jilin and Siping; partial fertilizer productivity of nitrogen was 52. 5 - 76 kg·kg^-1 in Jilin Province and that was the highest in Songyuan. Jilin Province was divided into three fertilization regions of west region,middle region and east region according to soil basic physical and chemical characteristics,yield and fertilizer use efficiency. Therefore,balanced fertilization is the best fertilization way to increase rice yield. Moreover,to setup fertilizer partition on the basis of the differences of soil fertility,rice yield and fertilizer use efficiency of different regions and to optimize fertilizer rate are an effective way to realize precise fertilizer and improve the rice yield and fertilizer effect. The study provides a theoretical basis and practical guidance for the high yield of rice and high efficiency management of fertilization in different cities in Jilin Province.
作者 焉莉 冯国忠 王寅 谢林蓓 高强 YAN Li;FENG Guozhong;WANG Yin;XIE Linbei;GAO Qiang(Key Laboratory of Sustainable Utilization of Soil Resources in the Commodity Grain Bases of Jilin Province/College of Resource and Environmental Science, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun , Jilin 130118)
出处 《核农学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期1023-1030,共8页 Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences
基金 "十三五"国家重点研发专项(2017YFD0201804-7) "十三五"国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFD0200403) 国家级大学生创业创新项目(201610193013) 农业部植物营养与肥料学科群开放基金(APF2015002)
关键词 测土配方施肥 水稻 产量 施肥 soil test and formulated fertilization, rice, yield, fertilization
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