During the Clipper 2017-18 Round the World Race Qingdao Stop,Li Fengli,Vice Secretary of Qingdao West Coast New Area Working Committee, Director of the Management Committee and Vice Chairman of Qingdao Major International Sailing Events(Festivals) Organizing Committee,received a special interview from the media and talked about the development of the West Coast New Area and the sailing industry.It is a golden opportunity for the west coast to be approved as a national new area. With focus on marine economy,Qingdao West Coast New Area implements new strategy and strives to become a pivot in the construction of marine power. Sea is a very important element in the west coast where the marine environment is quite superior. Sea is always the characteristic content of the development in the West Coast New Area, and the sailing sports adds some new charm to the marine development. The Clipper Race also brings a wonderful opportunity to the development of Qingdao West Coast New Area,which proves that the new area possesses the advantageous conditions for the development of sailing sports, and sailing will definitely become an integral part as well as the new name card of the new area.