对比分析了光照和暗黑条件下Q235钢腐蚀前后的质量变化,并对表面腐蚀产物的物相、表面腐蚀形貌和电化学性能进行了分析。结果表明,在相同的时间下,光照条件下Q235的腐蚀增重都要高于暗黑条件;随着腐蚀时间的延长,暗黑和光照条件下Q235钢的腐蚀失重都逐渐增加,在紫外光照条件下Q235钢的大气腐蚀速率明显要高于暗黑条件下的腐蚀速率;光照条件下Q235钢的表面腐蚀产物主要有α-Fe OOH、β-Fe OOH和γ-Fe OOH;而暗黑条件下的腐蚀产物主要为α-FeOOH和γ-Fe OOH;在相同的腐蚀暴露时间下,光照条件下Q235钢的耐腐蚀性低于暗黑条件下的耐腐蚀性。
The weight change of Q235 steel before and after corrosion under light and dark conditions were compared and analyzed, and the phase, surface corrosion morphology of the corrosion products and electrochemical properties of the steel were also analyzed. The results show that the corrosion weight gain of Q235 steel at light condition is higher than that at dark condition under the same exposure time. The corrosion weight loss of Q235 steel at both light and dark conditions increases gradually with prolonging the exposure time. The atmospheric corrosion rate of Q235 steel under ultraviolet illumination is obviously higher than that at dark condition. The corrosion products of Q235 steel at light condition are mainly α-Fe OOH, β-Fe OOH and γ-Fe OOH, while the corrosion products at dark condition are mainly α-Fe OOH andγ-Fe OOH. The corrosion resistance of Q235 steel at light condition is lower than that at dark condition under the same exposure time.
MAO Xuejiao1, YANG Zaizhi2(1. Department of Physical Education, Suqian College, Suqian 223800, China; 2. Department of Materials Engineering, Suqian College, Suqian 223800, Chin)
Foundry Technology