
社交焦虑者对社会排斥的反应偏差及其潜在心理机制 被引量:8

Response Bias after Social Exclusion among Individuals with Social Anxiety
摘要 在抱有积极的人际期待的前提下,社会排斥激发个体积极恢复受损的归属需求,重新与他人建立关系。然而,社交焦虑者遭受排斥后却表现出与一般个体截然不同的归属需求补偿缺失的反应倾向,具体表现在认知、情绪、生理与神经以及行为方面。进一步地,基于认知信念、社会监控系统、自我调节能力以及事后加工过程,对反应偏差的形成提出了四种潜在心理机制,并对未来研究方向予以展望。 When individuals hold positive interpersonal expectations, social exclusion provokes individuals to positively engage in restoring unsatisfied basic psychological needs, so as to reconnect to others. However, individuals with social anxiety tend to show distinct response tendency from individuals in general, or psychological need compensatory deficits, after social exclusion. The differences specifically lie in cognitive, emotional, physiological, neural, as well as behavioral respons- es. Furthermore, four underlying psychological mechanism behind the formation of the response bias were presented based on cognition belief, social monitoring system, self-regulation ability, and ruminant processing. Future research directions were discussed.
作者 邓衍鹤 向睿洋 张月寒 刘翔平 DENG Yan-he;XIANG Rui-yang;ZHANG Yue-han;LIU Xiang-ping(School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;Beijing Key Laboratory of Applied Experimental Psychology, School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期336-340,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目(14BSH082) 教育部人文社会科学一般项目(13YJA190009) 北京幸福公益基金会积极心理学研究基金(京民基证字第0020344)
关键词 社会排斥 社交焦虑 反应偏差 心理机制 Social exclusion, Social anxiety, Response bias, Psychological mechanism
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