
小学中华优秀传统文化教材内容构建研究 被引量:20

Researchon the Content Construction of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture of Textbook in Primary School
摘要 目前,在教材内容构建方面,诵读文本选材来源太过集中,课程主题涵盖传统文化要素较为单一,栏目的设置前后联系不密切,单元引言缺乏引导性功能,课外实践活动数量过少。中华优秀传统文化教材内容构建要扩大传统文化内容选取的范围,将经典读本的章句和蕴含传统文化要素的近现代白话文相融合,丰富课程内容主题,密切各栏目之间的联系,多角度、多形式地呈现传统文化,突出教育重点。小学教材内容要注意提高学生对于优秀传统文化正确认知,引导学生真实、全面地认识中华民族厚重的文化精神底蕴,传承优良道德,树立民族自信、文化自信。 The construction of the content of the Chinese excellent traditional culture textbooks determines the quality of the teaching materials, and the quality of the teaching material is one of the important guarantees of the quality of the Chinese excellent traditional culture education. At present, there are many deficiencies in the construction of textbooks, the sources of reading texts are too focused, and the subjects of the course cover the traditional cultural elements singly, the setting of the column is not closely related, the unit introduction lacks guidance function, and the number of extracurricular practice activities is too little. The content of Chinese excellent traditional culture textbooks should expand the scope of traditional cultural content selection, integrate the chapter of classical reading and the modern vernacular in traditional cultural elements, enrich the content of curriculum content, and keep the link between various columns, present traditional culture by different point of views and forms, highlight the priority of educatiom enhance students' correct cognition of fine traditional culture, then guide students to understand of the Chinese nation's heavy cultural spirit in a real and comprehensive way, inherit admirable morality, and establish national self-confidence and cultural self-confidence.
作者 张茂聪 仲米领 Zhang Maocong;Zhong Miling(Center for Education Policy and Management Research, Shandong Normal University, Jinan Shandong 250014, China)
出处 《课程.教材.教法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期82-89,共8页 Curriculum,Teaching Material and Method
关键词 小学 中华优秀传统文化 教材 内容建构 比较 new era adolescents strengthen moral education and cultivate people
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