
基于时间序列Insar的黄土高原城镇滑坡识别研究 被引量:2

Landslide Identification in Urban Loess Plateau Based on Time Series Insar
摘要 在黄土高原城镇灾害调查的基础上,利用时间序列In SAR技术对绥德县城区的地表形变进行监测,通过影像裁剪、影像配准、地形相位估计、差分干涉、高相干点选取、相位解缠、变形提取和误差估计等数据处理手段,获取黄土高原重要城镇时间序列PS点,利用PS点的变形速率值来圈定潜在滑坡区;通过野外考察,证明时间序列In SAR技术可用于黄土高原区滑坡识别,且准确度较好,能为城镇地质灾害风险防控提供科学依据。 Based on the survey of urban disasters in the Loess Plateau,the time series In SAR technique is used to monitor the surface deformation in the urban area of Suide County.By image cropping,image registration,topographic phase estimation,differential interference,high coherence point selection,phase solution Time-series PS points of important towns in the Loess Plateau,and delineate potential landslide areas by the deformation rate of PS points.Through field investigation,it is proved that the time-series In SAR technology can be applied to the landslide in the Loess Plateau Identify,and the accuracy is better,can provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of urban geological disasters risk.
作者 殷宗敏 韩守富 杨环 马金辉 YIN Zong - min;HAN Shou - fu;YANG Huan;MA Jin - hui(College of Resources and Environment, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, Chin)
出处 《地下水》 2018年第1期158-161,共4页 Ground water
关键词 黄土高原城镇 时序Insar 滑坡 野外考察 Loess Plateau towns timing Insar landslide field investigation
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