介绍1550 mm退火酸洗机组的生产流程,分析该机组张力控制系统的组成及特点,分析张力的产生及调节原理,介绍张力间接控制方式和直接控制方式,构建起张力控制系统的动态结构图。最后,针对1550 mm退火酸洗张力控制系统,在考虑板带材的前滑、速度波动,以及其它扰动因素的基础上,建立起PID控制器模型,通过实际采样分析证明加入PID控制器后,张力系统的性能指标稳定可靠。在实际生产线上加入控制器后,张力系统本身的扰动对控制效果的影响得以消除,机组实现恒张力运行,带材质量稳定。
The paper describes the production flow of 1550 mm annealing pickling line, and studies the structure and characteristics of tension control system, the tension establishment and adjustment principle and the indirect and direct tension control, and creates a dynamic tension control structure diagram. Finally, a PID controller model is established especially for the tension control system of 1550 m annealing pickling line in consideration of strip forward-slip, speed fluctuation and other interference factors. The actual sampling analysis proved that with PID controller, the tension control system provide more stable and reliable function. When an actual production line is integrated with PID controller, the influence of the interference from the tension control system itself on the control function is eliminated and the production line can run under constant tension and produce strips with stable quality.
CFHI Technology