
庚子救援:成功背后的无奈与辛酸——陆树藩及其中国救济善会人道行动述论 被引量:3

The Boxer Year’s Rescue: Helplessness and Sadness behind the Success——On Lu Shu-fan and the humanitarian actions of Chinese Relief Society
摘要 1900年"庚子之变",使京畿之地惨遭蹂躏。为救助八国联军侵华战争中的伤兵难民,浙江著名绅商陆树藩等在李鸿章的支持下,在上海发起成立"中国救济善会",遵照国际红十字运动的基本精神,北上救援,历尽艰辛,取得令人瞩目的业绩,先后救回难民6000人左右,不仅赢得社会各界的盛赞,而且也得到朝廷褒奖。但救援行动也有不能尽如人意之处,一方面,从外部环境而言,陆树藩和中国救济善会受到济急善会的排挤;另一方面,从内部管理方面来说,中国救济善会本身也存在漏洞,尤其在善款的筹集与使用方面,更是问题多多,终致陆树藩负债累累,深陷泥潭,最后不得不将"?宋楼"藏书出售日本静嘉堂文库,代价之沉重,难以想象。表面上看中国救济善会与传统善会别无二致,但运作方式在经陆树藩"植入"红十字"元素"后已大不相同,也决定了中国救济善会的"红十字"性质。这是中国人自办红十字会的开端,唱响了中国创建红十字会的"先声",具有深远的影响,陆树藩因此成为中国红十字运动的先驱。 In 1900,the Boxer Movement made Beijing and its surrounding regions ravaged heavily. To rescue the Chinese wounded soldiers and refugees in the aggressive war launched by the allied forces of the eight powers,the famous Zhejiang gentry and merchants,such as Lu Shu-fan,supported by Li Hong-zhang,started Chinese Relief Society according to the basic spirit of the international Red Cross movement in Shanghai to rescue those in the war. They experienced all kinds of hardships,rescued about 6000 refugees and made well-known achievements. Though they won highly praise not only in social circles but also from the Qing Dynasty,the rescue operations were still far from satisfactory. On the one hand,Lu Shu-fan and the Chinese Relief Society were excluded by the Quick-help Charity. On the other hand,the Chinese Relief Society suffered greatly from its internal disordered management,especially in the raising and using the charity fund,which got Lu Shu-fan further into debt and had to sell Japanese Seikado Bunko in the Bi-song-lou deeply beloved by Lu Shu-fan himself. It was a profound,costly lesson. It seemed that there was no difference between the Chinese Relief Society and the Quick-help Charity,but the Chinese Relief Society was planted the "elements"of "the Red Cross"by Lu Shu-fan,which was similar to the Red Cross and made it great difference from the Quick-help Charity. So the Chinese Relief Society could be viewed as the germination of the Chinese Red Cross Society and had a far-reaching influence,Lu Shu-fan was worthy of the title of the pioneer of Chinese Red Cross movement.
作者 池子华 CHI Zi-hua(Department of History, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, China)
出处 《河北学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期62-69,共8页 Hebei Academic Journal
基金 2016年度国家社会科学基金后期资助项目《晚清时期中国红十字运动研究》(16FZS028)
关键词 陆树藩 中国救济善会 红十字会 庚子救援 Lu Shu-fan Chinese Relief Society Red Cross Rescue in the Boxer Year
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