
诗之“情”与声之“动”--试论抗战时期诗歌朗诵实践在现代诗学上的位置 被引量:1

Poetic Emotion Triggered by“Voice”: On the Position of Poetry for Reciting Movementin Modern Poetics in the Sino-Japanese War Period
摘要 本文探讨抗战时期及其前后的"朗诵诗"和"诗朗诵"现象,以及当时的左翼与自由主义两个阵容的诗论及诗歌创作实践。在以往的相关研究中,现代中国有关朗诵诗和诗朗诵的文学现象大致被概括为两个脉络:第一,初期白话诗对于音节改革的追求、新月派格律诗、"现代派"的北平读诗会,以及中国读诗会实践尝试等,都奠定了抗战爆发以后朗诵诗和诗朗诵运动得以展开的基础;第二,作为"精英阶层书斋里实验"的北平读诗会无法引起广泛的共鸣,而与此相反,抗战时期的朗诵诗运动因其"大众化"特征,得以号召全国民的民族意识。本文为了脱离以往主要站在"大众化"的"成功"与"失败"之维度来理解朗诵诗与诗朗诵历史意义的思考框架界限,试图引进日本战争时期诗朗诵高潮现象做为参照系,重新思考这些寻找"声音魔力"的诗学欲望在中国现代表现史上呈现出的含意。 This paper aims to discuss literary phenomenon of Langsong shi(Poetry Recitation)and Shi Langsong(Poetry Recitation/Reading Movement), through analysis of the poetry criticism and poetic creation made by the poets of leftwing and liberalist writers in the period of Sino-Japanese War, which coincides with the well-known peak of the Poetry Reading Movement. In past scholarship, the phenomenon of poetry recitation in modern China has been generally summarized as two historical lines: first, the reform of new poetry's sound started from the early vernacular poetry in May Fourth era, and later, as a confrontation to the prosification of poetry, several creative practices pursued musical beauty of poetry, such as Metrical Poetry by Crescent Moon Society, poetry readings by the Modernist poets in Peiping of the 1930s,and the reading practice of Chinese Poetry Reading Society; all of these practices ultimately formed a strong basis for Poetry Reading Movement after the outbreak of Sino-Japanese War. Second, although Modernist poets who held poetry reading in Peiping in the 1930s attached great importance to musicality of poetry at a very early stage, since it was just an"elite experiment in a closed studio", could not cause any wide-ranged influence on the whole society beyond its poetic circle; on the contrary, Poetry Recitation Movement during the Sino-Japanese War succeeded to be well"popularized," and as a result, broadly appealed to the formation of national and ethnic consciousness of Modern Chinese people. Although this summarization has precisely pointed out the historical position of the movement, it somehow over-focused its political meaning and looked over its literary significance. In order to break away from past ossified viewpoint of judging the merits and demerits of arguments regarding Poetry Reading Movements during the war only by its political "success" and "failure," this paper tries to explore the historical significance of the movement by referring to Japanese "patriotic poetry" during the war period. Through making this as a reference frame, this paper tries to re-estimate how "magical power of sound" affected poetic expressions in the history of Modern Chinese Literature.
作者 津守阳
出处 《长江学术》 2018年第1期30-41,共12页 Yangtze River Academic
基金 日本学术振兴会JSPS科研费17K02647资助
关键词 朗诵诗 抗战时期 现代诗学 声音与文字 听觉与视觉 Poetry Recitation Movement Sino-Japanese War Period Modem Poetics Sound and Literary Language Visual and Auditory Senses
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