
“全面二孩”落地的社会性别支持策略 被引量:5

Gender Support Strategy for Implementation of “Two Kids, One Couple” Policy
摘要 "全面二孩"相关配套政策与性别利益之间存在着某种天然的必然联系,它能够使一些利益群体获益,亦可使另一些利益群体受损。如何使"全面二孩"相关配套政策对男女两性均增益是政策落地的根本。将社会性别理论视角引入"全面二孩"政策实行,是其成功制度化的关键因素。透过社会性别理论视角考量"全面二孩"相关配套政策,我们发现性别利益被湮灭在公众利益之外,被排挤出公共视野。相关配套政策制定的依据和出发点并没有建立在促进两性平等的前提下,未能实现对女性特殊权益的保障。政策实施中未充分考虑到对现实生活中男女两性权利的不同影响,政策实施后也基本缺失对女性群体和男性群体的关注。这是制度设计中存在的社会性别盲视。"全面二孩"落地要通盘考虑相关配套政策所涉及的性别利益,将社会性别意识纳入决策主流,明晰各决策主体负有采取社会性别理论视角的责任,增强政策运行的社会性别敏感,促进"全面二孩"相关配套政策性别利益的实现。 The supporting policies of "two kids, one couple" are inherently connected with gender imerests. They benefit some interest groups and harm others. To implement "two kids, one couple" policy, it is essential to make relevant supporting policies benefit both men and women. The key to institutionalization of the policy lies in the introduction of gender theory perspective into the implementation of "two kids, one couple" policy. Looking at the supporting policies of "two kids, one couple" from the perspective of gender theory, we find gender interest is drowned out by public interest and kept out of public view. The starting point and basis for relevant supporting policies have not been established on the premise of promoting gender quality, and the protection of women's special rights and interests has not been realized. In the implementation of policies, we have not given sufficient consideration to different influences on the rights of men and women in real life, and after the implementation of policies, there is also a lack of concern for women and men. This is a gender blindness in the system design. To properly implement "two kids, one couple" policy, we need to take all the gender interests related to the supporting policies into account, and involve the gender consciousness in mainstream decision-making, make every decision-maker aware of his responsibility of adopting gender theory perspective, strengthen gender sensitivity in policy operation, and facilitate the realization of gender interests in the implementation of the supporting policies of "two kids, one couple" policy.
作者 王磊 王晶 WANG Lei;WANG Jing(Department of Marxism, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024;Social and Cultural Research In- stitute, Party School of Heilongjiang Province, Harbin, Heilongjiang, 150080)
出处 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期125-133,共9页 Journal of Shenzhen University:Humanities & Social Sciences
基金 黑龙江省社会科学基金青年项目"‘全面二孩’政策的社会效应及推进路径研究"(16RKC01) 东北师范大学马克思主义学部博士生研究项目"中国计划生育政策历史变迁研究"
关键词 性别利益 社会性别理论 社会性别盲视 社会性别意识主流化 社会性别支持 gender interests gender theory gender blindness mainstreaming of social gender consciousness gender support
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