

Effects of Continuous Rolling and Reversible Rolling Process on Formability of B441 Ferrite Stainless Steel
摘要 采用二十辊轧和四连轧两种不同的轧制工艺生产了B441铁素体不锈钢冷轧板,在相同压下率下经相同的退火、酸洗处理,比较了两种冷轧工艺的成品板力学性能,研究了不同轧制工艺下成品板的微观组织和宏观织构。研究了不同轧制方式对B441铁素体不锈钢织构演变和成形性能的影响。结果表明:四连轧在相同退火(990℃保温2 min)下再结晶更容易。四连轧经退火后B441成品板屈服强度、抗拉强度和伸长率均略小于二十辊轧制退火后的成品板。四连轧试样中心层织构主要为{111}〈112〉。 B441 ferritic stainless steel cold rolled plate was produced by two different rolling processes of twenty rollers rolling and four tandem rolling. Under the same reduction rate, after the same annealing and the acid treatment, the mechanical properties of finished products between two cold rolling processes were compared. The microstructure and macro-texture of finished products under different rolling conditions were studied. The effects of different rolling methods on texture evolution and formability of B441 ferritic stainless steel were investigated. The results indicate that the recrystallization of four continuous rolling is easier by the same annealing(990℃ for 2 min). After annealing, the yield strength, tensile strength and elongation of four tandem rolling are slightly smaller than those of finished sheet rolled by twenty rollers. The texture of the central layer of four continuous rolling specimen is mainly {111}112.
作者 黄种生 时海芳 杜伟 郭文静 HUANG Zhongsheng;SHI Haifang;DU Wei;GUO Wenjing(College of Material Science and Engineering, Liaoning Technology University, Fuxin 123000, China;Stainless Steel Technology Center, Research Institute in Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200431, China;Cold Rolling Mill Plant in Baosteel Desheng Stainless Steel Co., Ltd., Fuzhou 350600, China)
出处 《热加工工艺》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期75-78,共4页 Hot Working Technology
关键词 铁素体不锈钢 轧制 显微组织 织构演变 成形性能 ferritic stainless steel rolling microstructure texture evolution formability
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